Biden orders review of assassination attempt circumstances and of security surrounding Republican convention

At a brief news conference today President Biden announced he has directed the head of Secret Service to review all security measures for the Republican National Convention, which is scheduled to start tomorrow.

Biden also said that he has commissioned an independent review of the Trump shooting incident and will share the results.

And he said he had a brief but good conversation with Donald Trump last night.

“We must unite as one nation,” Biden said.

Full remarks can be viewed at the link below.

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8 thoughts on “Biden orders review of assassination attempt circumstances and of security surrounding Republican convention”

  1. Wonderful. Give authority for reviewing security at the republican convention to the Fake-President CLOWN that ordered the assassination of Trump and had his secret service sit by watching and waiting for the shooter to crawl into position and squeeze off a few free shots at Trump before silencing him so that he couldn’t be interrogated.

    Hopefully, Trump and other republicans are smart enough to handle their own security at this point and tell the secret service “thanks, but no thanks.”

  2. with the criminal investigation being led by the same agency that has railroaded criminal investigations against him and authorized deadly force be used against Secret Service agents when serving a search warrant for papers. Ya, color me unimpressed.

  3. He will assign Jack to roll up to Mar Lago and arrest President Trump for encouraging an insurrection…

  4. Not nearly enough. I have no faith in federal institutions to be transparent in seeking the truth, present their findings to the citizens and hold accountable parties that were incompetent or intentional in their failure to secure the area.
    We have seen nothing but foot-dragging, censorship and coverup, and no consequences ever. Think Afghanistan. Or Benghazi. Or the Las Vegas mass murders. Etc.

  5. Jeffery Wayne Tartt

    I guess we now trust Biden, his administration and anyone inside the U.S. Government? The insanity just went up a knotch, if that’s possible. What we all witnessed this past Saturday could not have happened without someone other than the shooter being involved. Just ANOTHER example of “don’t believe your own eyes” folks! Unfricking believable. Go Trump and Go America!

  6. Now, in addition to the Secret Service protection detail, we need a Protection from the Secret Service protection detail.

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