The following is from America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).
Last month, SCOTUS delivered a historic decision in the Fischer v. USA case. The High Court’s ruling sends a clear message that the selective persecution of the government’s “political enemies” will not be tolerated in the United States of America. More than 300 citizens were charged by the weaponized DOJ with “obstruction of an official proceeding” on January 6th. AFLDS stands in solidarity with the J6 prisoners, their families and all those who have been unjustly targeted by the elite DC class.
On Monday, July 29, 2024 at 4pm EST, AFLDS will proudly hold a press conference at the steps of the Supreme Court. Dr. Simone Gold, Julie Kelly and members of the House and Senate will speak directly to the American people, and will be accompanied by family members of the J6 hostages. Together, we will discuss the tremendous impact of SCOTUS’ ruling, the truth about the January 6 narrative and what’s next moving forward.

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I’ve been around since December of 1961. Watched a lot of crazy stuff over the decades here in America. My home State of Texas has been through several transitions over the years, but correct me if I’m wrong…please. I do not recall our government openly targeting American citizens like we see today and have seen the last few years. This is not normal nor will it end without consequences. ( I ) see this as an attack on the American people…period. Where in the hell, or just how far are they willing to take this “cling to power at any cost” Ideology?
‘What’s next’ should be the indictment of the sham committee and its members, who obfuscated and twisted the legal system all the way to destruction of documents.
I am so glad I saw a very early video by Dr Simone Gold and the Frontline Doctors. Asked all the right questions before getting rushed into the whole “covid and covid vaccine” hoax. It clicked with my own concerns and early investigations.
Along with her help I was able to just say no to the entire “covid” hoax. And not have a moment of regret for turning my back on the whole thing – except for having to go through all the social rejection and cancelling that came along wit the Just Say No to the Covid Hoax package.
Brava, young lady. You are our Mother Teresa saving us from our own government, even though you could not save yourself from their tentacles …..for now anyway. Fight on, we are behind you and with you.
Jeffrey Wayne Tartt,
Rather than to write, “ . . . openly targeting American citizens . . .,” this is more accurate :
Openly Targeting White Male Citizens.
Jeffrey, did you watch Sharyl’s Full Measure program this morning ? The last several minutes dealt with the below-mentioned book :
Re : “The Indoctrinated Brain” (( I caught the last minutes of Full Measure, regarding that book and its author’s
opinion—that we’ve been made unconscious by Covid-19 and draconian “remedies” of isolation/masks/distancing, and by mandated EXPERIMENTAL Gene Injections while withholding actual remedies from the public ))
Far more accurate title : – “The Hypnotized Brain” – as Rock, Rap, Gangsta-Rap, and Jazz decouple listeners from their Decision-Making BRAIN, through HYPNOTIC drumbeats (( recall my “Savage Drumbeats” essay, Sharyl and Team )), plunging listeners into their LIMBIC-brained proclivities of LUSTS, WANTS, and VIOLENCE ( see the “Seven Deadly Sins” ).
Even 5G microwave pollution has a far more negative impact on brain health, than that non-existent Covid-19 bug (( the normal year-to-year flu has been weaponized by Deep State conspirators, and they used Experimental Gene Injections/“treatments” to cause massive injurys and deaths )).
And don’t forget FLUORIDE poisonings, which is a Deep-State Op., to advance control by dumbing down everyone—and consider children’s INSANE vaccine schedule, which is similarly purposed by State (“6th-Floor”), and which extreme/nonsensical/unhealthy number of injections into babies and children are ASTONISHING to any RATIONAL / Logical / Aware / Thinking / Caring brain, excepting those physicians who apply that schedule.
Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Neurobehavioral Issues in Children :
And then there’s the Ad Council’s erasure of White faces in TV ads – unless coupled with a black or brown mate therein – which, too, smacks of a Deep State Op.; and recall that brain-/mind-engineering SCHEME of the Small Business Administration’s rejection of White males’ loan applications, in the1980s—giving Third World men/families stateside a loan (( that’s why Whitey – while on vacation – begins seeing only minority staff behind hotel/motel desks (( and in Convenience Stores )) beginning in the late 1970s )), given for ANY reason. White women were beneficiaries, as well, and were repeatedly given business loans, failure after failure after failure, while White males exhibit the highest suicide rate because of bad treatment by all federal agencies, such as unconstitutional AFFIRMATIVE Racism and AFFIRMATIVE Sexism policies—effected by EQUALITARIAN, Braindead, Marxists, in order to demoralize White men into an early exit-death.
The running joke in Washington, as reported by the Washington Times in the Eighties :
———-“White men need not apply!”———-
(( see the late Robert Holland’s expose’ – 1996 ? – finding/discovering how federal agencies SECRETLY changed test scores to harm White men, and FALSELY – immorally ! – to advance minority applicants and women—and nobody had been punished for that disgusting social-engineering, which may be ongoing to this very day; and witness the Over-Representation of vastly under-qualified federal workers of color, now in Washington, D.C. )).
Find Marxian Senator Ted Kennedy’s Lies to Whitey,
regarding his proposed Immigration Act of 1965,
which had effected the Illegal-Migrant, Great Replace-
ment of WHITES ( catastrophe ) we suffer today,
in here :
Did you know that Windows 11 prevents cutting and pasting of your articles to use on social media platforms such as X and Instagram or in emails & text messages? The https:// part of the link is grayed out and doesn’t transfer.
Where is the media coverage of this FrontineDoctors press conference – total black out. I can’t find it anywhere. It should have gone live by now. 2:20 pm PST.
RE: Government targeting US citizens? Go back to the 1960’s and HUAC- House Un-American Activities Committee hearings.
This led to the “hippie” student revolt in the 1960s’ in protest and the flooding of out of state students to Berkeley who wanted to be closer to the action in San Francisco’s where the hearings were held. The rest they say is history – both California and America were irretrievably tranformed by HUAC and the demands for :”loyalty oaths” by both government and non-governmental employees .
Old playbook -new players.