Full Measure is on the road in Poland reporting on Europe’s illegal immigration crisis, politics, and a lot more. Special guests joining Sharyl are: Investigative Producer Daniel Steinberger, Photographer Bryan Barr, and a special guest.
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Sorry, but every time I hear the word “Jesuits,” my skin crawls. There is plenty of evidence that the Jesuits–a secret society given credibility because of the name they chose, do what they’re told–whatever it may be, including murder–to protect the reputation of Roman Catholicism–the antichrist. They are a very dangerous bunch. I don’t know what they’ve done lately (well, they infiltrate churches and give misinformation about what the Bible requires), but I know what they will do and what they’ve done in the past. They were very active during the Protestant Reformation. When priests and others active in the only church– back in the dark ages–1400s, 1500s, 1600–found a lot of Catholic practices were inconsistent with the Bible. The church made a lot of money by following unbiblical practices. Many people stopped going to the Catholic Church as soon as they understood Catholic practices were inconsistent with the word of God–the Bible. Millions — yes, millions– of people were killed by groups like the Jesuits, who were in the forefront of murdering those who found fault with the Catholic Church. Bible prophecy–which has NEVER been wrong over some 6,000 years (everything God said would happen HAS happened)–says the Jesuits will be busy again in the future, based on laws passed first in the U.S. that will eliminate the constitutional separation of church and state. Laws will be passed that mandate how and when to worship. Watch out for the Sunday law. That’s what we (Seventh Day Adventists–the only church that knows the Spirit of Prophecy) are waiting for. We worship on Saturday, the day that God set aside as the Sabbath. See Exodus 20. So as Saturday worshipers, we will be under attack. It was the Catholic Church that changed God’s Sabbath law, to worship and rest, on the 7th day of the week. It was the Catholic Church that changed that day to Sunday from Saturday. Please let me know if you want more information. I can put you in touch with the experts. I’m just a church goer. But I love my church. We are “the people of the book”–the Bible. We study it every week and know what all the scriptures mean–how to get the most out of the Bible. We are blessed by God, because we keep ALL of His commandments.