The following is from Gallup News.
Fewer Americans today consider childhood vaccines important, with 40% saying it is extremely important for parents to have their children vaccinated, down from 58% in 2019 and 64% in 2001.
There has been a similar decline in the combined “extremely” and “very important” percentage, which was 94% in 2001 but sits at 69% today.

The July 1-21 poll also finds 17% of Americans saying it is somewhat important that parents get their children vaccinated, while 5% say it is not very important and 7% say it is not at all important.
In 2001, 1% said having children vaccinated was not at all important.
Republican-Aligned Americans Account for Decrease in Importance
The declining belief in the importance of vaccines is essentially confined to Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, as the views of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have changed little over the past 24 years.
Twenty-six percent of Republicans and Republican leaners — half as many as in 2019 — believe it is extremely important for parents to get their children vaccinated.
In the initial Gallup poll on vaccinations, Republicans and Republican leaners (62%) held similar views to Democrats and Democratic leaners (66%); the two groups now differ by 37 percentage points.
A slim majority of Republicans and Republican leaners (52%) now say it is either extremely or very important for parents to get their children vaccinated. That compares with 93% of Democrats and Democratic leaners.
Eleven percent of Republicans and Republican leaners do not think it is important at all for children to be vaccinated. (Continued…)
Link to article here.

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Perhaps people are rethinking the war on disease and now understand that where many vaccines are concerned…there was already a drop in mortality of over 90% here in the U.S. prior to their introduction. We had real herd immunity. Those that provided that immunity via natural immunity, are now older and will die. The “herd” is now reliant on vaccines that do not always prevent disease. Food for thought…
All those childhood diseases were terrible and then came sanitation for the masses… the diseases were reduced. Then came industrial farming and the masses were provided with more and better food… and the diseases were reduced even more.
Then came refrigeration for the masses… and the diseases virtually disappeared.
By the 1960s very few were harmed by those insidious diseases anymore, well before most of the “childhood vaccines” became available..
Fun Fact… Polio was never eradicated in the US; (((they))) changed the name to “acute flaccid myelitis”.
Emmanual Ozon,
Re : ROOT Cause of the Once-White/
Christian West’s Decline
Root Cause is our decline toward
OMNIPOTENT drama in Libertine,
Liberal, Leftism (( Limbic Brain )), as
from an advancement/march by
FEMINISTS’ Emotionalism (( in, e.g.,
Hollywood / Rock Music / Porn Novels
and Magazines and Movies / Ignoble
Abstract Art / Emotive Education
Policies (( the Performing Arts over
Classical Ed. in Reading, Writing,
Maths, Civics, and . . . . )) / Vulgar
Language in Open Use Everywhere /
. . . ))—that sex-based brain division
– the PSYCHOLOGY of it – partly
explained below (( study my report,
“Bad Libertine Women Wreck . . .” :
The misnamed Anti-Vax movement was initially for two reasons. First, the medical profession had a terrible schedule. There were too many shots given containing multiple meds over shorter periods of time or all at once. Second, mercury was being used as a stabilizer which we all know is harmful to children and adults alike. The later seems to have been eliminated but not after causing some harm, and the former continues.
Parents wanted to space inoculations out over a period of time and not necessarily do one shot that included meds for several different diseases. The medical profession wanted to get the parent in the office and do as much as possible because they believed it would be harder to get the parent to return.
More recently, the covid shot has become a big issue. It remains an experimental drug. The CDC still refers to its use under the “Emergency Use Authorization or EUA”. You would think having inoculated millions from all walks of life the CDC would have the data base to finally fully approve the shots. But they haven’t and that adds to the suspicion the shot may not be safe.
No, people are just afraid of getting any shots when the benefits of some far out way the risks. But that data is not being shared and so better to have your measles party (remember those) that get your kids a shot!
Yes, the schedule is T O X IC, damaging
the brain, putting babies and children
on the Autism Spectrum—the toxic stuff
in the shots notwithstanding.