Above: Surveillance video showing Michael Brown choking a shop owner shortly before he attacked police officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown in legitmate self defense, according to the Obama Justice Dept.
The following is a news analysis.
It’s been ten years since the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, launched violent riots and a movement that is largely based on misinformation to this day.
- Brown’s hands weren’t raised.
- Brown did not say “don’t shoot.”
- Brown was not shot in the back.
- Brown was shot in the front.
- Brown was attacking police officer Darren Wilson.
- “Eyewitnesses” quoted uncritically in the media were lying since they couldn’t have seen the events.
We were played.
It’s incredible how many people still don’t know the whole “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” narrative was a hoax and never happened (even according to the Obama Justice Dept.) Officer Darren Wilson continues to be slandered a decade later as misinformation is still circulated, even by some members of Congress. This is largely the media’s fault.
Officer Wilson was cleared of all charges and violations. On March 4, 2015, the Obama Justice Dept. cleared Wilson of civil rights violations finding that numerous witnesses quoted uncritically in the media were not credible, they apparently lied in their accounts (Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back) since it turns out they couldn’t have witnessed the events. (However, none of them were held accountable.) The DOJ also found that the credible witnesses supported Wilson’s account. Brown did not have his hands up in surrender. Forensic evidence shows Brown was moving toward Wilson, supporting Wilson’s account that Brown had attacked him and tried to choke him.
Read the DOJ findings for yourself at the link below.
And, next in line- the George Floyd hoax.
And what’s a ‘little’ lie amongst the DemonRats? Their idea of ‘truth’.
I will say this about Michael Brown and George Floyd. They were both large men who were capable of hurting people. And I would make the same comment, if they were white, Asian, or Hispanic men.
George Floyd was a violent criminal. He was convicted in TX of barging into a pregnant woman’s apartment with five other thugs. He shoved a pistol into her belly to while the thugs robbed her. He received five years in prison for that offense. He had an extensive criminal background including theft, aggravated armed robbery. All this violence doesn’t support the narrative that the radical socialist want you to believe. He was a crackhead, plain and simple. As for Michael Brown, I don’t know anything about his criminal past. I live in TX.
The truth just doesn’t fit the narrative they want the public to believe. We get lied to all the time!
The “new” America.
And yet we have an officer in prison fighting for his life due to the other HOAX. The death of George Floyd. The media and those who choose to harm America are very powerful tools. Until this propaganda machine is stopped and recalibrated this destructive insanity will continue to destroy our country.
Both the M Brown lie/hoax and the G Floyd lie/hoax perpetrated by the media and the left led to riots by BLM/Antifa in major cities across the nation. As far as anyone being prosecuted for crimes that day by those rioting, the one person who murdered retired police Capt David Dorn was found guilty. That was about the only justice that came out of either.
Darren Chauvin languishes in jail even after autopsy was released showing Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but a result of fentynal and other drugs. That Floyd compained of not being able to breathe while in the back of the police car, prior to him fighting his way out was largely ignored by the media.
Office Wilson was defending himself against a much larger man trying to get his service weapon yet he had to resign from the force and move out of St. Louis.
Now both of these hoaxes/lies must be exposed as well as the failures of the two democrats running for the White House. Both Harris and Walz used the hoax for political purposes in the past. It is time to ensure they do not get elected to push more lies upon the American citizens.