Over 100,000 expected at rally to Rescue Republic in Washington

Organizers say they expect a major turnout at a bipartisan rally in Washington DC next month entitled “Rally to Rescue the Republic.” The following information is from rally organizers.

Over one hundred thousand Americans from all political persuasions will descend on Washington, D.C., on Sunday, September 29, for a rally to Rescue the Republic.  Featured speakers include Bret Weinstein, Matt Taibbi, Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), Robert W. Malone MD, Pierre Kory MD, Dr. Heather Heying, comedian JP Sears, and musical acts Five Times August and Tennessee Jet. 

The rally is an effort to unite and mobilize the public into action.  Many voters are fed up with information operations and corporate media that divide people based on identity politics.  These voters believe the Republic is under attack and must be rescued. 


“We need YOU to join the resistance. Together, we can restore the values that make our Republic so beautiful and worth saving.  We’re bringing together notable musical artists, comedians, and thought leaders of our generation to stand together and rescue the Republic,” said Angela McArdle, co-director of Rally to Rescue the Republic and Chair of the National Libertarian Party. 

Why is our Republic worth preserving? What is the West? 

“At its heart, it is an agreement to distribute opportunity as widely as possible. Today, the foundation that makes up the West is under attack. This moment demands radical change and requires liberals, conservatives, and independents of every color and creed to unify to rescue the West,” said Dr. Bret Weinstein, co-host of the DarkHorse podcast and a key visionary of the rally. 

8 Pillars of the Rally to Rescue the Republic

  • War is always the last resort 
  • Sanctify/recodify informed consent 
  • Banish state information control, surveillance & propaganda 
  • Secure monetary freedom 
  • Restore family sovereignty 
  • Enact a rational border policy, including putting an end to harmful US policies  
  • Liberate truth-seeking 
  • End Lawfare and abuse of the court system 

Those interested are encouraged to visit the rally website in the coming weeks as more speakers, artists, and musicians are added to the line-up. 

Rally to Rescue Republic, Washington DC

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5 thoughts on “Over 100,000 expected at rally to Rescue Republic in Washington”

  1. Oh man I wish I could go and be a part of that! But I’m 61 and have to pee every 40 minutes. Doesn’t bode well in large crowd situations.

  2. What about the West is special to save? Is it the history of slavery? world war? Hiroshima & Nagasaki? pollution of the planet? profit over people? subjugation of women? I must be missing something.

  3. Thank you Sharyl and team, for being one of very few home bases that help me defraggle, detox, look at WHAT IS, remove the emotion from the information itself and then I can think and feel however I want about it. There’s a word for that.. right.. I used to hear it sometimes 🤔.. 💡

    Thanks again.

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