Controversy over so-called DEI (“diversity, equity, and inclusion”) policies has entered the presidential campaign, with some critics accusing Vice President Kamala Harris of being a “DEI hire.”
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.
The latest survey finds that 41% of likely voters say they believe it’s fair to call Harris a “DEI hire,” while 45% say they think it’s unfair and 15% say they are unsure.
Mike Gonzalez of the Heritage Foundation has defended the description of Harris as a “DEI hire.” Twenty-seven percent (27%) of voters say they believe criticizing DEI policies is racist, while 49% say they disagree, and 24% say they are unsure.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of voters say they are familiar with DEI policies, with 49% saying they are “very familiar.” Among those “very familiar,” 59% say they don’t consider it racist to criticize DEI.
Opinions on whether it’s racist to criticize DEI policies vary significantly by party affiliation: 44% of Democrats say they believe it is racist, compared to 17% of Republicans and 18% of unaffiliated voters.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Republicans say it’s fair to accuse Harris of being a “DEI hire,” an opinion shared by 21% of Democrats and 47% of unaffiliated voters.
To see survey question wording, click here.
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Harris has defended DEI policies. I thought that was the big buzz word for the woke establishment. Biden himself said, before choosing his VP, it would be a woman. Same with Supreme Court justice with the addition of “black”. Why, when the policies are used, is only then a DEI hire wrong? I’ll tell you. Everyone inherently wants to be valued by their merits, not their gender or skin tone. You’re witnessing in realtime why DEI does not work. Just the opposite. Now black female journalist are asking white men if they believe Kamala was a DEI hire, like it’s a bad thing. Because it is. The jig is up.
Your DEI when it’s to your benefit. Lets face it she identifies as a black person so the DEI isn’t a false statement. Even Biden see’s her a black, based on his statement when looking for a women VP. Maybe with the prodding of Obama……It will look good for you Joey. Thats how disingenuous the democratic party really is. It’s all about a dog & pony show for the public. They think we Americans don’t see through them.
Common sense for societal evolution peaked many decades ago. Much of today’s controversy and division has been caused and continued by the liberal media. Answer me this. You’re hiring for a particular job with particular skills for a company you own. You never get to see the person, nor any metrics about the person. All you get is a resume. Now, assuming you’ll get a chance to fact check the resume would this be a fair way to hire for your company? You want the best person for this position. Common sense says YES! This method would help you choose based on experience, skills, and education. The msm would describe this method as something else. They want to control how I hire for my company based on THEIR ideologies and in many cases twisted ideas. If you don’t hire the way they want, you’ll be called out and maybe even sued! This is the BS that’s going on in our great country. It’s no longer merit based. If you’ve worked harder than anyone, best of the best, tough luck, you’re not the right skin color, or gender, or some other media generated BS metric they keep pushing.
It’s like saying Trump is a DEI candidate.
He is a very old, non-Veteran, white male of German heritage.
Pretty much a member of a minority group.
There is still a deep well of racism in the US. We as a society have a long way to go before long standing attitudes racist will even begin to change.
In case you missed it and I assume the people who follow Sharyl Attkisson are not blind sheep. We live in America. It is “fair” to call Kamala ANYTHING you want to call her…period! Propaganda can be found everywhere folks. The question itself is propaganda.
I think a better definition than the above leftie BS for DEI, especially considering the choice of candidates on the Left, would be….. DEI= Dumbest Effort of Idiots…..