The following is from Rasmussen Reports.
A majority of likely U.S. voters say they don’t have a lot of trust in polls, particularly those related to the presidential election. Just 11% say they have a lot of trust in these polls, while 46% say they have some trust. However, 31% say they have not much trust, and 10% say they don’t trust them at all.
The latest survey of 1,142 likely voters, conducted on August 15 and 18-19, 2024, also shows that many believe the polls may not reflect the true standings of the candidates. Fifty-six percent (56%) say they think Trump is doing better than most polls indicate, while 47% say they believe Harris is doing better.
Among party lines, 82% of Republicans say it’s likely Trump is outperforming the polls, compared to 36% of Democrats. Conversely, 72% of Democrats say Harris is doing better than most polls show, with only 22% of Republicans agreeing.
To view survey question wording, click here.
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Polls? I would say most Americans don’t trust our elections, polls, the FBI, anyone associated with the US Government, etc. Around the world we have become a very scary example of what not to be. What happened to America?
People don’t get enough credit for having simple deductive logic skills.
It stands to reason that if there are people or organizations that stand to benefit from various poll results, those same people and organizations have all the motive necessary to try to skew polls into producing those favorable results. DUH.
It’s a misanthopic mutation of Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
……and why should we?
There have been enough people speaking about what they had seen happening at polls after closing to make many suspicious. News media ignoring them, democratic pundits claiming them lairs, judges not willing to hear cases, changing fundamental voting laws in the name of “COVID”. There are a lot of measure to not trust a fare and just voting system in USA. We’re very close to a banana republic.
Has Election Already Been Stolen ? :