(POLL) Most view Biden as unsuccessful on economic issues, don’t see Harris as any better

Less than a quarter of voters think Vice President Kamala Harris would do a better job on the economy than President Joe Biden, who is not considered very successful on the issue.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports. The survey finds that 45% of voters say they believe the Biden administration’s economic policies have been generally successful, including 21% who say they see them as “very successful.”

Fifty-three percent (53%) say they consider Biden’s economic policies unsuccessful, including 40% who say Biden has been “very unsuccessful” on the economy.

Just 22% say they think Harris’s economic policies would be better than Biden’s policies, while 38% say they believe her policies would be worse.

Thirty-three percent (33%) say they see Harris and Biden as about the same in terms of their economic policies.

By contrast, 51% say they think former President Donald Trump’s economic policies would be better than Biden’s policies.

Thirty-eight percent (38%) say they think Trump’s economic policies would be worse and just five percent (5%) say they consider Trump and Biden to be about the same in terms of their economic policies.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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3 thoughts on “(POLL) Most view Biden as unsuccessful on economic issues, don’t see Harris as any better”

  1. Sharyl and Lisa—and Full Measure Team,

    Re : Kamala Harris—why she is more Africa than Asian

    Forwarded Message :


    [[ you needn’t respond ]]

    Re : https://helenaglass.net/2024/08/07/kamala-walz-american-communism-via-woodrow-wilson/

    The below excerpt is found
    within your above-linked

    “A Kamala/Walz ticket would officially move America from a solid progressive socialist country to a full Marxist/Maoist Communist party.”


    For decades, I’ve tried but failed
    to persuade Rightist to stop
    using Commies’ perfectly deflective
    term :

    “Progressive”—as all Lefties choose
    to call themselves.

    Instead, I’ve
    to A S K :

    “Progressing towards what ?“

    The answer : C O M M U N I S M,
    which ism – if history is a reliable
    teacher – is SADISTIC control of
    the many by a few mentally sick,
    demon-influenced ( ? ), sex-sick,
    self-designated/-affirmed, torture-
    the-masochists ( best via rape ),
    g o d s (( see Lenin’s and Stalin’s
    and Pol Pot’s and Hillary’s and
    Bernie’s me-me-me psychosis,
    arguing how that system had
    failed only “because the right people
    were not in charge”—PSYCHOTIC
    denial well exhibited there )).

    This term has been/remains BEST :
    “ProgComs,” suggested wide and
    far to conservative movers and
    shakers; and, yet, . . . to no
    avail ! (( partly do to fear of their
    decline in testosterone – resulting
    in loss of confidence and failure
    in the bedroom, and a building of
    depression – whenever another
    man’s advice is accepted by them
    —the “Mr. Right Syndrome,” in all
    men . . . why males refuse to stop
    and ask for directions if traveling
    with a female )).

    Kamala, the village idiot that she
    is, reveals which racial heritage is
    dominant in her, as those who
    have worked with her Warn/ADVISE :

    “Never look her
    in the eyes!”

    She’s predominantly black, as
    Asian men don’t have that eye-
    challenge with other men.

    That reminds of the talk I’d had with
    my son in his early teens :

    to LOOK
    since – as with male pit bulls – it
    triggers the SAVAGE in him, and
    may result in being knocked out
    (( recall the “Knockout Game”
    black males loved to play against
    Whitey in the early 2000s—and
    still do, occasionally, to this day )).


  2. I think they both have proven how terribly incompetent they are. The last 3 1/2 yers prove my point. Do you really think she would do any better on her own? I hardly think so! For all of Trumps gafs he’s far better at what the Americans citizens need and want.

  3. Harris’ uncanny ability to talk for hours without saying anything — combined with her talent for laughing uncontrollably at something that isn’t, never was, and never will be funny in this, or any other, universe — means that she really missed her calling and has been wasting her time in politics, because she’s clearly a natural-born morning cable “news” host: Kamala & Friends.

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