(POLL) Govt. spends too much, collects too much in taxes

Nearly everyone says the government spends too much money, collects too much in taxes, or both.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

Eighty percent (80%) say the government spends too much money and collects too much in taxes.

Eighteen percent (18%) say the government spends too much money.

These results highlight the public’s significant concern over government fiscal policies and reflect widespread sentiment that both spending and taxation are excessive.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

I think the government:

18% Spends too much money
<1% Collects too little taxes
2% Collects too much in taxes
<1% Spends too little money
80% Spends too much money and collects too much in taxes
<1% Collects too little taxes and spends too little money

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2 thoughts on “(POLL) Govt. spends too much, collects too much in taxes”

  1. Explain why polls show such a close race between the party that wants to reduce taxes, decrease regulation along with the size of government versus the party that is telling us they will add more than $1.7Trillion in spending handouts to illegal immigrants; forgiving student loans and giving first generation home buyers $25K?
    Something here make no sense in the “polling”! BTW, handing out $25K to first generation home buyers will only increase the price of homes by about $25K! Sellers are not stupid and certainly realtors will push up home prices for larger commissions! Wake UP America.

  2. JLYNN,

    “ProgComs” = Progressive Communists,
    as Democrat Party Progressives are marching
    American citizens toward

    Regarding ProgComs’ Tax-and-Spend /
    Nation-Destroying Policies—EXAMINE
    the Root Cause.

    Open the below link to a most-thorough/
    -definitive/-revelatory expose’ on the
    D A N G E R
    Federal (sic)
    Reserve (sic)
    operations :

    Forwarded Message :

    – snip –

    The 3rd post in here,
    about the Fed ( sic ),
    answers your
    befuddlement :



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