Forty-four percent (44%) say they think artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT should be banned.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll conducted at
Twenty eight percent (28%) of those polled said ChatGPT should be regulated, but not banned. Another 28% said they think it should be banned altogether.
ChatGPT is a form of generative AI — a tool that lets users enter prompts to receive humanlike images, text or videos that are created by AI.
ChatGPT is similar to the automated chat services found on customer service websites, as people can ask it questions or request clarification to ChatGPT’s replies.
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
Do you think tools like ChatGPT should be banned?
44% Yes
28% No
28% They should be regulated, but not banned

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My personal belief is that humor is a MAJOR element of the human experience, and I seriously doubt that humor is something that AI can appreciate or even comprehend. Therefore, due to its inability to laugh, AI would present a danger to humanity.
One test might be to see what AI thinks of this dance routine at the Olympics:
“CRINGE: Australian Breakdancer Goes Viral For All the WRONG Reasons in HILARIOUS Olympic Debut – (VIDEO)”
My own opinion is that that dance routine is GENIUS and HILARIOUS, being at least partly reminiscent of what may be the ORIGINAL break-dancing moves:
Could AI appreciate THAT? I seriously doubt it.
“Your comment is awaiting moderation.”
WTF? I just posted a completely-noncontroversial comment concerning the absence of humor in AI — which makes it QUITE dangerous in terms of interacting with people, since humor is such an important part of life among humans — and this website gives me a response that my comment is “awaiting moderation.”
Is AI being used to moderate comments about AI at this website?
It’s really SAD to see this website going down the craphole along with Fox “News” and Elon Musk’s fraudulent X and Jonathon Turley’s hire-troll-infested garbage site — all due to ridiculous censorship for literally NO REASON.
LOL — a website that uses AI tools to censor and ban comments asks whether AI should be banned.
It doesn’t get much more Orwellian than this. Worst FAIL in this website’s history.
A computerized person, old now, what was I as a kid, 1st grade. Technology that can change the world. Military planes, floating light in sky, over 30 years, all connected to me, my brains. So much more.
The Genie is already out of the bottle. It’s only a matter of time until someone figures out how to use it for nefarious means.
“(POLL) Should AI tools be banned?”
Be careful how you respond. If AI doesn’t like your answer, you could find yourself banned from commenting, as has happened to me now at Fox “Business” after happening to me at Fox “News” back when it went anti-Trump and helped rig the 2020 election with he FAKE “debate” moderated by Chris Wallace, who argued with Trump to protect Fake President Joetard, who was ALREADY senile BEFORE they ran him for Fake President.
Post-2020 election, Fox “News” has been steadily shadow-banning tons of people, including Trump supporters who pointed out that the election was rigged and Fake President Joetard never got 81 million votes. You could go back into the archives and uncover more than a year’s worth of Fox “News” articles that repeat the same expression in identical language about Trump “claiming without evidence” that there were election irregularities. Many people who pointed out in comment sections that there WERE election irregularities have since been shadow-banned from commenting at Fox “News.”
Now it’s Fox Business that’s starting to shadow-ban people who dare to criticize Elon Musk for his negligent ownership of X, where the leftists he left in charge shadow-ban lots of Trump supporters even while Musk claims he backs Trump. It’s possible that Musk doesn’t even know what X is doing, since Musk is too busy being a celebrity gadfly using X to comment on EVERY issue in the solar system — especially politics — and doesn’t even have a clue what the people actually running X are doing EXCEPT with his own postings.
And by now, the fraud might well be baked into the AI programing, and you can’t argue with AI. It might pretend to listen, but it’s not going to change the course that it’s programed to take.
There is no longer a single site on the web where I can post comments and expect them to see the light of day. There are two sites — one of which is this one — where SOME of my comments will post, but even here it’s a crap-shoot as to whether a comment will actually post.
Consider this an Orwellian message in a bottle, because there’s just no telling when one of my comments will be the last one to get published. Of course, that sounds like paranoia — and it WOULD be, if it weren’t actually happening.
Other countries will still be forging ahead with AI. Any country banning AI will put themselves in a critical military disadvantage.