You won’t hear much reporting about this in the media, but Europe is suffering a mass illegal immigration crisis that’s arguably worse than the one in the US.
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Sharyl and Lisa—and Full Measure Team,
Kamala’s job had been to discover
WHY Third World Migrants march
across America’s ( OPEN ) borders ?—
“NOT to manage it,” say her protective
Democrat-Handlers; and even though
then-CBS-correspondent Dan Rather,
in his 1990s documentary, about
ILLEGAL immigrants flooding into
America from Mexico, had explained
t-h-e actual REASON in his report’s
entitled name :
“They Want What You Have” (( Google it ))
“They Want What You Have” (( Google it ))
“They Want What You Have” (( Google it ))
Get a clue in here—if my above
repetition doesn’t SINK In :
Helena Glass opines about
ROOT Cause of GLOBAL crises
( historical view ) :