The following is from Just The News.
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that nearly 97,000 residents in Pima County, who did not provide proof of citizenship due to a system error, will be allowed to vote in the November elections. These residents were flagged by the state’s voter registration system because their citizenship wasn’t verified when they applied for driver’s licenses.
While Arizona law requires proof of citizenship to vote in state elections, the court decided these residents can still vote in federal elections. Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes supported the decision, saying it was too late to remove them from voter rolls before the election.
The court acknowledged that blocking these voters at this stage could lead to logistical issues so close to the election. This decision ensures they can vote in federal elections without further delay.
For more details, read the full article here.

How can this be legal? So totally demoralizing to those of us who follow the rules!! Why can’t this be appealed to the US Supreme Court?
This article is so highly misleading that it is basically wrong because it is missing some key details. Here is the true story. According to the local paper, Arizona is the only state in the union that requires proof of citizenship to vote in state elections (other states only require that you attest, under penalty of perjury, that you are a citizen). No one is required to provide proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. If a voter in Arizona fails to provide proof of citizenship when they register to vote, they are given a special “federal only” ballot.
“While Arizona law requires proof of citizenship to vote in state elections, the court decided these residents can still vote in federal elections.” That is not what the court decided. The issue before the court was whether these voters could vote in state elections. There was never a question about whether they could vote in federal elections.
“This decision ensures they can vote in federal elections without further delay.” As previously stated, this decision had nothing to do with whether they could vote in federal elections. It was only about whether they could vote in state elections.
By the way, the error that started all of this occurred 30 years ago and the people impacted have voted in all elections since then. And the state GOP supported this decision, likely because the majority of the affected voters are Republicans.
I’m assuming that the reason that this story made the cut (and only part of the story was presented) is because it smacks of potential voter fraud and, therefore, will only confirm in many readers’ minds that there is massive skullduggery going on with the election. Well, sorry to disappoint anyone, but that’s not what’s happening here.
If you want to stir people up, at least get the story straight.
Rigging will be far greater in 2024 than in 2020. Every citizen still should vote, sure, but that’s just to establish a control in the event that justice is ever served in the future. Of course, since the corruption that has facilitated rampant election fraud goes all the way to state and federal supreme courts, the only way justice will ever be served, now, is by physical confrontation (figure out for yourself what that means). You all know this is true, but most of you are too cowardly in spirit to accept your share of the blame for letting America slide into the Abyss. So it’s far easier for you to remain deluded with Trumpian chants of “too big to rig.” Um, no, sorry, there will be just enough illegal/fake votes to defeat ALL patriots in every statewide election this November. All is not lost, though, as long as you all finally swallow your Red Pills the day after the Great Rigging, and then immediately wash it down with a Black Pill.
I can’t believe someone in Arizona isn’t taking this to Supreme Court!
What The Actual k. Would the “law” allow anyone of these non citizens purchase a short barrel machine gun and a silencer with their current information? These “judges” should be immediately disbarred and imprisoned. All 97K folk rounded up and deported after face, tattoo, fingerprint recording. GTFO of USA forever for attempting to interfere with our elections. ” Arizona law requires proof of citizenship to vote in state elections.”
EVERYONE who assisted these people should also be deported to a certain facility in Cuba for extensive interviews.
When high-culture civilization is being
( secretly ) dumbed-down—ALL are
impacted, including judges/politicians/
clergy. One again, regarding my above
posts :
African-American and Native-American rhythmic drumbeats in Jazz/Rock/Hip-Hop/Rap/Gandsta-Rap/etc. “music”—keep much of the populace in their LIMBIC brain’s Rebarbative/Dis-Functional ATTRACTION to Sex, Drugs, and Disorderely-Drama-Filled Clubbing-/Hooking-/Swapping-type ”living”, as that brain’s Marxian/Immoralistic ’60s REVOLT had ADVANCED/Exposed (( see that once-per-year celebration of Nasty/Silly Dance-Crazy-Wild flailing/warring against the ideas “Ladies” and “Gentlemen”
—A G A I N S T
MINDEDNESS. Our New-Brain/Pre-Frontal lobes, unused by Left-Journalist L I A R S )).
Or, that is, detaching from our Pre-Frontal Lobes’ high-functioning, Executive, Pass-that-Marshmallow-Test brain, never seeing/feeling/hearing any DANGER in at-large society’s Girls-Just-Want-to-Have-Fun / Porn-Prevents-Rape / Open-Orgy-Attracted / Orgasm-is-G_d / Children-are-Burdens / Babycides-are-Remedy / Marque-De-Sade-and-Karl-Marx-as-Models / VD-Diseased-Hugh-Hefner-and-Company-are-Our-New-Age-Guides / ProgComs-March-“FORWARD” (( Progressive Communists’ March )) / Libertine-Type-Frenzy-to-Advance-Seven-Deadly-Sins / Ten-Commandments-are-Hate-Speech / Leftism-Tricked-and-Fooled-and-Debased / GRAND-GOOD-CIVILIZATION-WRECKING / Black-is-Beautiful / Whitey-Can’t-Dance / Do-It-If-It-Feels-Good
Day and Age )).
Oops !—I hadn’t mentioned
that “once-per-year [ savage ]
celebration,” which demarcates
the High-Culture — pre-1960s —
from Low-Culture SAVAGERY,
which erased the ideas/goals of
nurturing-creating LADIES and
incivility :
W O O D S T O C K..
The Legislature needs to grow a pair and DISAVOW the results of any election where their chosen method of election was not followed. As the US Constitution appears to allow them to do.
When this article first appeared yesterday, it seemed obvious to me that the intent was to stir people up with a highly misleading article making it sound like non-citizens were being allowed to vote in Arizona. And as the comments show, that is exactly what is happening (people getting stirred up, that is, not that non-citizens are being allowed to vote).
But even I never thought that anyone would read this article and believe that it meant that illegal residents were being allowed to vote. As misleading as it is, the article never says that.
Here is a summary of what actually happened (from the local paper):
“Since October 1996, Arizona residents have been required to provide proof of citizenship to get a regular driver’s license. Noncitizens, such as green card holders, are issued a different type of license. Before 1996, there was no such differentiation.”
“In 2004, the state enacted its proof-of-citizenship law, which requires voters to show they’re U.S. citizens to vote in state and local elections. Ever since then, if county election officials saw a license issuance date after October 1996, they knew that person had already provided the state with documented proof of citizenship.”
“However, when residents who received a pre-October 1996 license requested a replacement card after that date — because an address had changed or the original had been lost — MVD would also update the issuance date when replacing the license. That new post-1996 issuance date would lead election officials to mistakenly assume those residents had provided proof of citizenship already.”
As anyone that understands English can see, there was no massive conspiracy to allow non-citizens to vote. The people affected were long-time, legal Arizona residents (they would have had to have been living there from before 1996). And a few other important things: (1) the people affected have voted in every election for the past 30 years, (2) there is no evidence that any of them are non-citizens, and (3) the great majority of those affected are registered Republicans (likely why the state GOP supported the court’s decision). And as my original comment stated, the issue before the court was never if these voters could vote in federal elections (they had always satisfied the requirements to vote in federal elections). It was whether they could vote in state elections (they had satisfied the requirements to vote in state elections when they originally registered more than 30 years ago, but the requirements had changed since then).
Everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down.
Now perhaps SA didn’t mean to confuse and inflame people with this highly misleading article. Luckily, there is a simple remedy for that. All she has to do is to print a clarification so all of us understand what the true situation is. I’m waiting.
Sharyl and Lisa—and Full Measure Team,
Speaking of your “No Accident, WHAT-Ifs” report,
the only searched-for-and-found witness to the capture ( and killing ) of John Wilkes Booth had been a former farm slave, John Henry Coghill, who had provided his sworn witness-testimony—as reported by African author, John E. Washington, in his book : “They Knew Lincoln” ( 1942 ).
My copy is signed.
On pages 172 and 173,
we read of this CURIOUS but VITAL incongruence : page 172– “I didn’t hear the shot…”; but, on page 173– “…Ned Freeman said soldiers shot Booth in the back of his neck.”
Those CONTRA-indicating statements are within the SAME SWORN testimony of John E. Washington.
[[ Note : Marxian Lincoln’s Deep State protects that ONLY-Booth-had-been-Shot and Booth-had-Not-Escaped V E R S I O N of events, to this very day—by withholding any DNA investigation/testing/COMPARISON of “Booth’s” extracted-and-bullet-damaged neck vertebrae (( taken from that someone’s-body dragged out of Garrett’s BURNING and LOCKED tobacco shed—locked by Union soldiers, “to keep Booth from escaping,” not noting/CONSIDERING/questioning that tobacco sheds are built in an open-air-type way, to DRY hanging tobacco leaves, and not made in such a way as to SECURE/Cage any individual ! )) W I T H that “Booth” body buried in a large marble memorial, which DNA test a Washington D.C. federal judge had ruled AGAINST exhumation, requested by researchers (( and by relatives of an escaped-”Booth’s” so-claimed living descendants )). Why not ? ]].
That gunshot issue had occurred—yet, was left unquestioned by UNION investigators. And there were other RED Flags, such as : The examining physician had blurted out—his first observation : “This is not Booth.”
Coghill HAD, suppposedly, witnessed everything—FROM the fire being set, to Garrett’s tobacco barn, TO the someone’s-body being dragged out by soldiers—and placed on the porch of Garrett’s house.
Such an incongruence would be of great concern to any follow-up investigation.
Nothing to see there ?
Those ballots should be set aside and give those people three business days to prove citizenship. If nothing is provided do not include them in the count and destroy the ballots. Voting is for legal citizens only