Europe’s illegal immigration crisis (and parallels to ours); plus ‘Follow the Science’

You won’t see much if anything about this in today’s controlled media landscape, but Europe is suffering an illegal immigration crisis that is arguably even worse than our own.

Sunday on Full Measure, we debut our exciting Season 10 with a fascinating report from Europe.

Ten years of an illegal immigration crisis have led to terrorist attacks, culture clashes, religious conflict, and economic stress.

It was a top issue in recent European elections with voters sending signals of discontent to their establishment politicians.

And did you know Poland built a 15-foot tall border fence and authorized shoot to kill orders for its border patrol?

Also Scott Thuman will report from the US border where it remains a top issue in the Trump-Harris contest.

And finally, with my new book “Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails,” already an Amazon bestseller, “Full Measure” will look at the slanted information doctors are being taught about Covid vaccine safety in order to maintain their medical licenses.

Consider ordering “Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails” anywhere today, and watch “Full Measure” on Sunday!

We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

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3 thoughts on “Europe’s illegal immigration crisis (and parallels to ours); plus ‘Follow the Science’”

  1. Indeed, and world governments are blind to the looming crisis unfolding now and will continue to get worse.
    They will gain power throughout Europe and, in time, governments will be replaced with their ideology. Ideology which you will be forced to live by……or die by. Is this the beginning of the “end times”?

    The Iberian Peninsula, minus the Asturias Region and about 1/4 of France is Occupied Territory because the Moslems had captured that by 732. The Balkan Peninsula north to Vienna but not including Vienna and Constantinople to north and east is Occupied Territory and that the Moslems had captured by 1689. According to the Koran this Remains Islamic land because it was taken during Jihad even though the Moslems do not control it. There is no provision in Islam for land taken during a Jihad to revert to its original inhabitants.
    As far as the new lands being invaded, according to the Koran, the world belongs to Allah, and it is the duty of the Moslems to capture it.
    This is an Invasion, not an immigration crisis. Back, when the media still showed pictures of this invasion, the so-called refugees were young military age males, looking very fit.

  3. Nice; “controlled media landscape” but I’ll stick with Lame Stream Media. Thank goodness I don’t watch the LSM, getting my news from podcasts like this one and was aware of some problems Germany, France and the UK with illegal immigration.
    Keep up the good work Sharyl!

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