Hearing-impaired doctor missed patient yelling during colonoscopy

A Florida doctor, Ishwari Prasad, was placed on probation and fined $7,500 after two colonoscopy procedures where he failed to adhere to the standard medical protocols, according to the Florida Board of Medicine. The incidents occurred in June 2023 at a Tampa surgery center.

During one procedure, Prasad, who is hearing-impaired, did not wear his hearing aids, supposedly preventing him from hearing the patient’s screams that he was not fully sedated, according to officials. Additionally, Prasad allegedly delegated a portion of the procedure to a surgical tech who was not a licensed doctor, further compounding the issues during the surgeries.

Prasad has been restricted from performing gastroenterology procedures following a settlement where he neither admitted nor denied the allegations of medical malpractice. He has been practicing medicine since the early 1980s, with a license issued in Florida in 1990.

For more details, you can read more from NBC here.

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6 thoughts on “Hearing-impaired doctor missed patient yelling during colonoscopy”

  1. Two corollaries and a conclusion:
    1) Because of reading Sheryl Attkisson’s articles and going through the COVID spectacle, I don’t trust so-called “medical experts” (eg. doctors who are also included in that oxymoronic titled group).
    2) Because of this article and all the COVID shenanigans, I can’t even trust organizations (who are government sanctioned and certified) whose reason for being is regulating doctors-so that these practitioners are not mal-practicing on the public (which includes me and my family),
    3) So whom am I going to trust. I guess, people like Sheryl Attkisson.

  2. Doctors generally put people “under” for colonoscopies for their own benefit. I’m at risk for colon cancer so have the procedure every 3 years and it’s not really that uncomfortable without being anesthesized. What’s the big deal? Man up! Woman up!

  3. $7,500!?! You call this is a fine for dangerous negligence — that happened TWICE!?! This is not punitive , it is more like a slight annoyance. It should be AT LEAST TEN TIMES the total public charge for the procedure — not what an insurance company might pay.
    Where the H were the attending nurses? Were they deaf too?
    [I have heard that doctors like to have music playing will they are doing medical procedures. Did that play a role? Maybe they can blame the audio system (like blaming gun manufacturers for gun violence).]
    Why not just say “no dessert for you after dinner tonight”?
    This outrages me.

  4. “Hearing-impaired doctor missed patient yelling during colonoscopy”

    Not to make light of the apparent discomfort, but that title struck me as being more associated with a Babylon Bee article than a legitimate news article. It could even be an idea for a comedy skit.

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