(POLL) Border crisis ranks as top national issue

Nearly half of respondents say the border crisis is their number one concern, far outpacing other major issues such as corruption, national security, and censorship.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

Forty-three percent (43%) of respondents selected the border crisis as their top issue. Thirty-one percent (31%) say corruption is the primary concern.

National security ranked third, with nine percent (9%) of participants saying it’s their biggest worry, while sixteen percent (16%) expressed concerns about censorship. National health came in with just two percent (2%) of the vote, and climate change ranked last, with less than one percent (<1%) saying they’re seeing it as the most pressing issue.

These results underscore the importance of the border crisis to a significant portion of respondents, outpacing concerns about corruption and other national security matters.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

Poll Question: What is your #1 concern?

43% Border crisis
31% Corruption
9% National security
16% Censorship
2% National health
<1% Climate

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6 thoughts on “(POLL) Border crisis ranks as top national issue”

  1. …..and that is the reason the democrats will loose in November.
    It falls on Biden and his stupid decision to stop the wall and open the border to any and all. Criminals included, no proper vetting, no nothing. She, Harris is part of that mess, created by bad decision making. At least Trump could see what an open border would do, just like many European countries are NOW realizing their same bad decisions created the same problem.

  2. Todd Michael Wiseman

    Once again, fine and bold reporting in these final days, Yes the communists eviL goal is to change the racial balance equation , white people must always keep a high majority over all these radical minority troublemakers or as call them on campus, RMTs, ot the 🐝 beehive brainwashed mob mentality over individual FREEDOM

    Ohio univ Athens

  3. IMO – the debates will not change many minds for several reasons. Network bias, people just don’t trust the media to be fair and sound bites aren’t convincing.
    More importantly, It’s easy to compare the last 4 years to the previous 4, policy & results speak more loudly than any promises made during a debate.
    Trump is Trump and Kamala is Kamala regardless of her slick convention, teleprompter speeches and scripted answers.
    Americans know that Trump WILL fix the border, and Kamala will use all the excuses why she didn’t, can’t or was thwarted. She whines about the failed Senate Bill but fails to mention HR 1 being ignored by her party.

    It’s the executives job to get results, she hasn’t, period.

  4. The Border Crisis is the issue most likely to destroy America. Today’s Border Crisis was implemented by the US Government in the 1960s with Hart-Cellar or “The 1965 Immigration Reform Act”, followed by President Johnson’s perversion of the 14th Amendment to grant birthright citizenship to the babies dropped by Illegal Aliens by Executive Order. A 1967 Supreme Court ruling struck down a portion of a 1911 Immigration Act requiring immigrants to renounce their former citizenship in order to become US Citizens, effectively allowing for dual citizenship, many from countries who are hostile to the US.
    I believe we have and estimated 50 million Illegal Aliens in the US today. The US edition of a Canadian online publication says there are 60 million Illegal Aliens in the US.

    Americans have always held strange idea about government, mainly in they want it limited and out of people’s lives. Peoples from countries with all powerful governments are those most encouraged and enabled to come to America.

  5. In my comment below, I posted 3 of several actions from the 1960s actions by the US Government implemented to cause the implosion of America at some time in the future, which I have tentatively put at or around 2010, I claim it failed because the Globalist Elite failed to secure Amnesty for what I say were 20-25 million Illegal Aliens in 2007.
    Recently, I have noticed something strange and therefore disturbing. The first I noticed involved the 6th of my 1960s, actions. It was the 1968 Government Finance Reform Act. On the surface it appeared to make sense, but it was designed to bankrupt America. It put all government revenues into one account and then paid all government bills out of the same account. The Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds were included as revenues and used to pay general fund bills.
    + I used to find the 1968 Government Finance Reform Act by googling it. A could weeks ago, I did just that and came up with a 1981 law doing the same thing. Based on the online discussion I was having, this casts the blame on President Reagan, not President Johnson.
    ++ Last week, in another online discussion, a Leftist laid the blame for dual citizenship on pressure exerted by President HW Bush on the Supreme Court to benefit some of his foreign friends. I will find the 1967 Supreme Court ruling by the Court and edit into my comment.

    +++ I have noticed, the Democrats do not care what happens to America or Americans, just so it can be blamed on a Republican. While not part of my 1960s government actions, it is plainly obvious in Biden’s disastrous Afghan withdrawal.
    Comments please.

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