Independents are swinging toward Donald Trump, according to Rasmussen Reports
The following is from Rasmussen Reports
The race for the White House continues to be close, as former President Donald Trump holds a two-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 47% would vote for Harris. Just one percent (1%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and another two percent (2%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Four of the five nights of surveying in the new poll were conducted before Tuesday’s televised debate between the two candidates, and thus do not reflect whatever impact the debate may have had. Last week, Trump led by a one-point margin, with 47% to Harris’s 46%.
The survey of 2,390 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on September 5 and 8-11, 2024 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.
Trump’s lead is almost entirely due to his double-digit advantage among independents. Eighty-two percent (82%) of Republicans choose Trump and 82% of Democrats pick Harris. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump gets 51% to Harris’s 39%.
The “gender gap” is increasingly a significant factor in the presidential contest, as Trump leads by 12 points among men, 54% to 42%, while Harris now has a five-point lead with women voters, 51% to 46%.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of whites, 33% of black voters, 58% of Hispanics and 64% of other minorities would vote for Trump, while 47% of whites, 64% of black voters, 38% of Hispanics and 30% of other minorities would vote for Harris.
Harris leads by six points – 50% to Trump’s 44% – among voters under 40, while Trump leads by an equal margin, 51% to 46%, among those ages 40-64, and now has an eight-point lead among voters 65 and older.

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Yes we all concur, the numbers will grow much higher for Team Trump final six weeks, bare in mind polls are controlled by radical communist misanthropes and cretins, we envision only the communist west coast as blue, and the backwards state of high as a kite on dope, Colorado, we don’t really consider Alaska as a actual state per say, nor token Hawaii, also we can predict at this time, NY will in fact turn red and Mexas, formerly known as Texas will go blue due to mass influx of illegal foreigners, so sad as a modern day tower of babbeL, a tower that needs a iron wrecking ball for sure
Todd & Colleen
Ohio univ Athens
Don’t try to feed us this “close” pll BS. Kamala has to bus paid supporters in to her speeches because she can’t garner 10%.
You just lost any credibility.
Excellent article.
(Assassins Note) A note to the former assassins (both dead and alive) and the future assassins. Assassination is bad idea for many reasons. If you are considering assassination as a tool or remedy to solve what you beileve is a Trump problem – forget it. Most assassins live bad life styles, and have shortened life spans. There is only one Trump, but there are many who agree with his new ideas. There aren’t enough bullets to stop the movement. Just sit back and watch as the freedom bells ring – you may actually learn something. (Note Assassins)
Are the 47% of voters polled who support Harris registered US citizens, or just Dem stooges? If I believed that almost half of the adult voters in the US were pro-Harris I would say that civil war is unavoidable. That stated- if there is anything resembling an actual civil war(and not merely gangs from Venezuela and Antifa inciting violence)it will be instigated via DeepState mechanisms and the MSM propaganda machine who are brainwashing the fence-sitters and TDS afflicted. Those remaining citizens who have as yet to understand the history of infiltration and the demise of the Republic will merely play the part of the useful stooge. We may come to an impasse where we must presume that too many ‘former citizens’ have accepted the demotion to the status of ‘consumer-chattel’, and no longer have the capacity to participate in any sort of legitimate election process. As arrogant as this may sound-I feel as if an IQ test may be necessary in order to vote. Also, if the people who come here to enjoy the benefits of life-liberty-and the pursuit of happiness cannot read or understand English, how are they qualified to vote as “informed adults”? I hope Ms Attkisson will delve deeper into the current state of the electoral college, and the progress with the 2020 election rigging coverup: “Lara Logan | Congress Committed Treason During 2020 Vote Count: Brunson Bros. Say Congress Broke Oaths Of Office”–
If Rasmussen would have been in the headline, I would not have clicked.