On the Illusion of Consensus podcast, the renowned Dr. Jay Bhattacharya conducted an in-depth discussion with Sharyl about her new book, “Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails.” It focuses on how corruption in American healthcare is making us sicker and poorer.
Here’s the full episode link:
Dr. Bhattacharya, a professor at Stanford University, is well-known for his insightful analysis of public health policies. The discussion included:
Media Influence: Sharyl and Dr. Bhattacharya discussed how pharmaceutical advertising has changed media coverage: “In the early 2000s when CBS News was assigning me as an investigative correspondent to cover various Dangerous Drug and medical corruption scandals… there became this Big Chill. The stories were no longer accepted or wanted at certain corners of the corporate structure.”
Regulatory Agency Capture: In discussing with Dr. Bhattacharya the FDA’s compromised position, Sharyl noted: “Part of that is capture at the FDA and the federal agencies by corporations in much the same way we’ve described our elected political figures have been captured and the media has been captured.”
Medical Research Integrity: Sharyl shared insights from medical journal editors: “The current editor-in-chief of the British Journal Lancet famously wrote an editorial a couple of years ago that said I think his words were half the science in his own journal and all the journals are not to be believed because the pharmaceutical industry so controls the science.”
Medical Education Bias: Sharyl and Dr. Bhattacharya pointed out specific examples of how bias is taught early, with Sharyl noting: “The Merck manual which is a reference book used in med school… it’s written by Merck, the drug and vaccine maker that has been that has paid hundreds of millions of dollars perhaps billions in fines over the years for alleged fraud and Corruption.”
There’s no easy fix, but Sharyl encourages listeners to take action: “There are things individual people can do and number one having the information understanding… there’s a process you can use of critical thinking to expose yourself to other information that will help improve your health.”
Order your copy of “Follow the Science” today and watch or listen to other interviews here.
Watch the full episode below.

Order Sharyl Attkisson’s New Bestseller!
The biggest question that people should be asking is “whose pocket is Sheryl Atkinson in”. Be cognizant that she is a Sinclair Broadcasting person. Don’t rely on anything that Sinclair puts out. They definitely have a right-wing bent. She looks to be an anti-vaxxer based upon some relatively small numbers of people who have had adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine.
Keep in mind that nearly all vaccines will have some people who have an adverse reaction, but compared to the number of people whose lives have been saved it’s a tiny fraction.
@Kim Rochau
Thank you for your enlightened advice.
In turn, may I offer the following advice to you:
1. Migrate from here to read the New York Times and to imbibe the manure it throws at its readers, and obediently heed the Times’ bosses, the gangs running the Marxist party (alias: Democratic Party).
2. Lineup at CVS to avail yourself of the bio-weapon serum with which they inject their lineup of “humans” , and you will be helping Gates and other scums depopulating the world , by so doing this country will move one step closer toward the vision of its Founders.
3. Earmark more of your tax dollar to support the retirement of moron, tax-dollars parasite Fauci, and above all make sure you buy adequate supply of dirty facial diapers from the Moron since the next unleash of bio-weapon is already scheduled.
And above all,
Good Luck in your endeavor.
Thanks to Dr. Jay Battacharya I declined to get the jab for COVID. When WarpSpeed was announced I was willing to take the jab but as I read more and more about the issues with the mRNA delivery system and how COVID was not the killer the CDC and others were claiming it would be I opted to boost my immune system. The Barrington Declaration was written off by the media and the government but it was instrumental for my decision.
IRT Kim Rochau – You should be cognizant to those healthy young men and women who took the jab and ended up with myocardial issues. Athletes dropping on soccer pitches, on basketball courts and other venues across the world after taking the jab. Both Pfizer and Moderna ‘cooked the books’ on the jab efficiency to get FDA approval. Follow THAT money and see who’s pocket Fauci and others are in.
Ed Dowd’s book Cause Unknown lists thousands of unexplained illnesses after the jab. Too many coincidences for me. Even Dr. Robert Malone who was instrumental in developing mRNA is now critical of the so called vaccination.
Or maybe you benefitted from that. I certainly had no cash dog in that fight.
Lest we forget, the Medical Mafia
does not grant any importance to
Nutrition Science—and pays money
to hide its CULPABILITY in keeping
everyone UNHEALTHY :
Sugary Drinks Create Future Diabetics :