The following is from Children’s Health Defense.
Lobbyists representing groups like the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) and the American Dental Association (ADA) continue to defend water fluoridation, even after a federal court ruled it poses an “unreasonable risk” to children’s IQ. US District Judge Edward Chen’s 80-page ruling summarizes and evaluates the extensive scientific data, including years of research by the National Toxicology Program, which linked fluoride exposure to developmental harm.
While these health lobbyists maintain their position, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly shifted its stance. Recently, the CDC updated its website, stating that the decision to fluoridate water is now up to local governments and voters. This change came shortly after the court ruling, prompting concerns that the CDC is retreating from its previous support of fluoridation.
Critics, including Stuart Cooper, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, argue that health organizations are failing to recognize the risks. Cooper pointed out that the National Toxicology Program’s report exposed the dangers of fluoridation.
“The evidence presented at trial, along with the NTP report, exposed the truth that there is no scientific basis for the claim that fluoridation is safe for children. The ADA will be the last to admit that they’re largely responsible for damaging the brain development of millions of innocent kids over many decades.”
Stuart Cooper, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network
Moreover, the Cochrane Review found that water fluoridation provides minimal dental benefits, reducing tooth decay by only a small fraction of one baby tooth—far less than the 25% reduction claimed by proponents.
As more evidence emerges, many are left questioning why such a potentially harmful practice remains in place. As Cooper emphasized, “The ADA’s refusal to acknowledge the risks shows their determination to protect their reputation rather than the public.”
Read more here.
Sharyl and Team,
Three other toxic
molecules in our food
are :
1). Trans Fats (( cheaper for restaurants to use—and it rips up our arteries while saturated fats would heal )),
2). Bromine (( found in bread products, and causes sleepiness—replaced health-protecting iodine in ‘73 )),
3). MSG (( shuts down the appestat, so one never feels full—advanced on the LIE that it enhances flavor )).
Study Nutrition Science.
This column ought to have been fact checked. The fact that a San Francisco judge erred is not news. He replied on a government report that failed peer review twice by the prestigious and independent US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. The Cochrane review excluded strong evidence of the high value of water fluoridation. The review did not include comparative studies of fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities: Juneau/Anchorage and Calgary/Edmonton, and a study demonstrating the shockingly high increase in general anesthesia use for children under six when Calgary lost its fluoridation.
The notion that the national paediatrics and dental associations are ‘lobbyists’ implies that they have a financial interest in promoting water fluoridation. They don’t. Healthy children don’t help health professionals make money. The paediatricians and dentists want water fluoridation because it is has almost 80 years of efficacy and safety evidence in reducing the most common chronic disease of childhood: dental decay.
Studies that use spot urine of the pregnant woman to assess fetal fluoride exposure are using an invalid measure. Such studies are capable of passing peer review and are not science. Such invalid studies are what the judge wrongly relied upon to make the false claim. Please fact check before publishing.
Correction, with apologies: Such studies are INCAPABLE of passing peer review and are not science.
The crazy thing about fluoride… the ADA, CDC, public health in general have hung their hats on fluoride…yet even if you belive everything they say about how it… they don’t even claim that it effects the bacterial infection that is tooth decay. Caries are caused by a bacterial infection in the mouth, strep mutans, we have known this for 100yrs(1924)….yet dentists are still not treating it as such. They continue to tell us the only thing we can do is use fluoride hoping to make our teeth more resistant to the damages of the bacterial infection.
If you want to end tooth decay… use a non-hexose sugar like xylitol for a few months…. you get rid of the SM. Thousands of studies over the last 5 decades have shown this over and over. We ignore this info because fluoride is whatthe ADA says works. 🤡🤡
You want to know how public bungled covid… they 100% knew how to stop it in May of 2020… for a few pennies…
Juliet Guichon,
For how many decades have movie theatres
made popcorn batches using this deadly oil :
Fluoridation calcifies the pineal gland,
to explain why LACK of fluoride keeps
children more ALERT—more difficult
to anesthetize that AWAKENED
spiritual gland.
Yes, the pineal gland links us to SPIRIT—
if Yogis/Hinduism/Ancient-Wisdom
teachings have credibility.
Here is the folly in your thinking,
Juliet :
Except for purification purposes,
which adds its own risks to our
health :
That INSANITY – in allowing any
government to install equipment
that leaks POISON ( yes, fluoride
is poisonous ! ) into our water – is
to trust government not to add,
say – S E C R E T L Y – LSD, or some
other mind-control molecule..
Recall that very odd news report
—about how G.W. Bush, while
president, had ordered an increase
of PPM of fluoride. Why ? Why ? !
( an odd Washington Times blurb,
during his administration ).