The following is from the House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans.
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) have issued a statement regarding recent findings of research falsification at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
“These findings are deeply troubling and worsen an already growing distrust of the NIH’s scientific research. We expect full transparency with Congress and the public regarding the matter. While Republicans have historically championed the NIH, these types of misconduct—coupled with the agency’s lack of cooperation throughout our ongoing investigations—undermine trust in the agency.
The responses to the Committee’s NIH reform framework overwhelmingly agreed that a comprehensive review of NIH is needed. We urge experts and stakeholders to continue engaging in constructive discussion to strengthen the NIH, protect taxpayer dollars, and restore trust in government health agencies.”
Chairs Rodgers, Guthrie, and Griffith
A Science magazine article further details the allegations, which were in part confirmed by the NIH.
In June 2024, Chair Rodgers unveiled a framework that outlines the current challenges facing the NIH and provides recommendations for reform.
Read the one-pager on the framework here or below.
For the full statement, read the original press release here.
Reforming the National Institutes of Health
Framework for Discussion
The American people’s trust in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been broken. Over the past several years, we have witnessed countless missteps throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, along with numerous investigations that have turned up everything from systematic sexual harassment to serious lapses in oversight related to risky research. These matters were made worse by a culture resistant to transparency and accountability to Congress and the public.
Republicans have long been champions of the NIH. The agency is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, and its role is critical to life-saving medical research and innovation. However, it has been nearly two decades since Congress critically evaluated the NIH and advanced structural legislative reforms. Congress has a responsibility to the American people to ensure that the NIH is held accountable and that its mission serves all of our interests. The U.S. became a world leader in biomedical innovation because Americans are resourceful, resilient, and entrepreneurial. Let us continue to build on that legacy and work to ensure the NIH continues to deliver on the promises of hope for those in need.

NIH Mission and Leadership Must Be Accountable, Integrated, and Agile:
- Establish a congressionally mandated commission to lead a comprehensive, wholesale review of the NIH’s performance, mission, objectives, and programs.
- Ensure the NIH is committed to and focused on promoting and bolstering innovation of new treatments and cures, including by encouraging public-private partnerships and collaboration.
- Introduce term limits for IC leadership.
- Eliminate silos by requiring every IC to regularly report how they are utilizing a life-stage approach throughout its activities, grant funding decisions, and research priorities.
- Ensure NIH officials abide by financial transparency requirements and standards.
- Ensure the NIH is implementing policies and procedures that enable full and robust oversight of investigations into allegations of misconduct, including sexual harassment, in both intramural and extramural research programs, as well as ensuring NIH whistleblower protections.
- Consider additional disclosure reporting and transparency requirements for donors, partners, and activities supported by the FNIH.
NIH Funding Mechanisms Must Be Clear, Responsible, and Reflective of Congressional Intent:
- Restore Congress’s role in directing funding by repealing the authorization for the Public Health Service (PHS) Evaluation Set-Aside to ensure transparency and accountability in funding decisions.
- Consider alternative mechanisms to limit indirect, or facilities and administrative, costs.
- Require any entity receiving grants or awards to report publicly and make searchable their indirect facilities and administrative costs, including fixed capital costs, administrative overhead, and labor costs.
- Ensure the NIH is properly accounting for and recovering misused taxpayer dollars.
NIH Grant Research Must Protect Against National Security Risks and Threats, and Be Independent, Innovative, Responsive, and Transparent:
- Focus on providing grants and awards only to primary investigators that do not have more than three ongoing concurrent NIH engagements.
- Consider opportunities to continue to bolster and support early-stage investigators, encourage systematic replication studies across research portfolios and fields, and prevent research and data waste, fraud, and misconduct.
- Continue prohibition of risky gain-of-function research, including in countries that have been designated as foreign adversaries.
- Establish an independent review entity for the proposed National Institute on Infectious Diseases.
- Demand accountability from grantees by ensuring they are complying with all requirements to provide access to all relevant documentation related to research being conducted by any foreign subgrantee.
- Require grant recipients conducting research involving potentially dangerous agents to establish community oversight boards.
- Require each IC to report and publicly post on the IC’s website any grant or subgrant occurring in any foreign country.
- Incorporate a national security review into the grant and award process for grants that involve research occurring by, or on behalf of, foreign adversaries.
- Ensure the NIH is appropriately updating, communicating, and implementing conflict of interest policies.
- Provide the HHS Secretary, in consultation with ODNI, permanent authority to immediately suspend, pending investigation, a grant determined to be a threat to national security.
- Require ethical and judicious standards of care, including appropriate transparency measures, for research involving animals both domestically and abroad.
The time is NOW to build a stronger NIH for the FUTURE.

Thank you for update on NIH & their hidden agenda outside of preferred taxpayer realms BUT as often as the words “to be held accountable” hav been stated over the past almost 10yrs, No One Has! Not the DOJ, FBI, Homeland Security, NIH, CDC, Dept of State, CIA, 50 “former intelligence officials”, the DOD, ….. the list goes on & on! Peter Stryk(sp)& Lisa Page sued for $2mill when they should bith be behind bars! Our country has been taken from us & I don’t know if we can ever get it back. My Flagday (57) heart cries for Her.
Debra Sheaffer,
Plumb D E E P ER into Deep-State Machinations :
Debra, so much more has been distorted away from TRUTH.
Forwarded Message :
— Genetics Drive Racism ( Sexism ) // Your White Face —
Genetics Drive Racist ( Sexist ) Outcomes :
Regarding Tucker Carlson’s
truth-telling, about anti-white
movement in U.S. :
Tucker Carlson is correct—re YOUR White Face ( SATIRE ) :
“It is not the special sciences that teach man to think; it is philosophy that lays down the epistemological criteria of all special sciences.”
“Consciousness and Identity” Ayn Rand
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, 78
What the NIH fails to realize, along with many other government organizations, is there are many more smart people then them out here. They can, they do and they will expose your ineptitude sooner or later. No one to blame but yourself for citizens having so little trust and more importantly respect for what you do.
Speaking of M I S T R U S T of
“other government agencies” :
This current Democrat administration is so thoroughly corrupt that they need to be prosecuted for the lies they’ve told and the money they’ve stolen. Democrats need to be exposed so no one ever trusts them again, and that stupid people won’t vote for them no matter what. They need to go the way of the Nazis historically. That’s what they deserve.
Sounds like a job for Bobby Kennedy!
Cherie Davis,
Re : Your insight/view,
“This current Democrat administration
is so thoroughly corrupt that they need
to be prosecuted for the lies they’ve told
and the money they’ve stolen.”
Looking back at the Clinton White House :
Forwarded Message :
Re : Billionaires Support Harris ?
—Blackmailed, possibly :
“While the sex trafficking activities of Epstein and Maxwell
are discussed at length in in depth [[ in Volume-I ]], this book
[[ Volume-II ]] gives particular attention to the THE
[[ my emphasis ]]
relationship that Jeffrey Epstein had with the Clinton White
House from 1993 through 1995 and the significance of his 17
known White House meetings. Epstein brought many of his
attractive, young women with him to these meetings and
many of his meetings were with a man named Mark Middleton,
who died under suspicious circumstances in May of 2022, was
embroiled in foreign espionage activities at the time of he was
meeting with Epstein. Those activities . . . point toward a major
scandal of the Clinton era that has yet to be properly
–The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime
that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein—ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL,
by Whitney Webb (2022)
Another strongly worded letter from the GOP that will surely and swiftly cause [insert agency they’re scolding here] to straighten up and fly right. /Sarc