…and that’s just for starters
The following was first published on Sharyl Attkisson’s free Substack.
Our health systems are so broken that there are many thousands of things that need to be done to try to set them right.
Therefore, the following list of 100 is not intended to be comprehensive.
But it does scratch the surface regarding some important issues that should be addressed.
In the comment section, add your own ideas!
Read on for details.
1. Quickly move to end reliance on foreign countries, particularly adversaries like China, for critical medicine.
2. Transform the Health and Human Services (HHS) mission and goal into one that prioritizes identifying the causes of illnesses and preventing them, over simply treating them with pharmaceuticals and other therapies.
3. All health policies shall err on the side of safety.
4. Redefine CDC’s function and mission so that it is not a vaccine marketing arm and provides balanced information, advice, and guidance.
5. Redefine FDA’s core mission so that it is firewalled from pharmaceutial company influence.
6. Identify, declare, and prioritize the long-ignored national public health emergencies, such as the explosion in autism and chronic disease epidemics.
7. Establish and adopt a strict policy of tranparency and service to the public rather than to the pharmaceutical industry or other commercial interests.
End the practice of claiming public health information at the agencies is “proprietary” (shared with pharmaceutical companies and other corporations, but withheld from the public).
8. Analyze the agencies’ public health information and directives online and elsewhere, and make corrections and updates.
Material should reflect the true status of medical and pharmaceutical questions, and eliminate one-sided propaganda. This means eliminating false information contained in material that claims things are “myths” or “debunked” when they are not.
Create an accessible resource that explains any changes and provides links to citations.
9. Notify commonly used resources such as YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, and WebMD of any changes to make sure they reflect the new information.
Also notify medical associations, medical journals, and fake fact checkers such as Science Feedback and Health Feedback, so that they harmonize their work to reflect the corrected information.
10. Put medical journals on notice that they will be held accountable for publishing slanted or false information and studies.
11. Require the FDA and the CDC to provide and publicize details about known and suspected risks of medicine and treatments, rather than taking one-sided marketing positions that risks are untrue or to be dismissed.
12. Eliminate the language of propagadists from federal directives, websites, and other materials.
13. As a matter of policy, oppose medical mandates.
14. Public policy should reflect that individual choice and safety trump the supposed “greater good” of the population.
Individuals cannot be put at risk or have safety information withheld under the justification of the “greater good.”
15. Make clear that US health interests are paramount to supposed global or foreign interests.
16. Utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify and address the combination of factors that are contributing to chronic disease epidemics such as obesity; cancer and other autommune disorders; and gender dysphoria and other mental illnesses.
These contributing factors could include vaccines and other medicine; chemicals, pollutants and additives in food, water, and air; and genetic predispositions.
17. Create independent bodies in charge of analyzing and acting upon vaccine and other medicine side effects. Develop new AI tools to quickly and efficienty identify trends, and notify the public along the way.
18. Redirect research money toward non-pharmceutical treaments and preventative measures.
19. Use AI analysis of studies on inexpensive and generic medicine and therapies, such as metformin, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine to find out what role they may be able to play, if any, in preventing or fighting illnesses such as cancer.
20. Revamp the system under which the drug companies provide the government with data and information on medicine and vaccine side effects. (Currently, there is no check or balance to ensure they provide full and accurate information on a timely basis.)
Make all safety information public.
21. Reform the process that collects vaccine and other drug adverse event data.
Streamline and issue directives requiring doctors, hospitals, and other medical providers to affirmatively gather and report to the federal databases.
22. Ensure that doctors and other reporters are educated on the process and understand they aren’t supposed to conclude whether an illness was caused by a medicine, they are simply to report all events so that any patterns can be detected.
23. Use AI to improve the monitoring of the databases.
Ensure there are independent analysts who more aggressively monitor for patterns (with the goal of identifying, reporting, and addressing them rather than explaining them away).
Make the databases more user-friendly to the public.
Remove the disclosures that try to undercut the significance of the data.
24. Initiate a special, required reporting system and form for Covid vaccine adverse events.
Every patient visiting a health provider should be voluntarily queried to learn if they had Covid vaccines, how many, what brand and lot (if possible), and when.
Each illness should be reported to the database, whether or not the health provider thinks it could be connected to the vaccine, and no matter how long after vaccination the illness occurred.
25. Redefine the parameters of the billion dollar RECOVER study so that instead of simply identifying drugs to treat “long Covid,” the study takes vaccines into account.
Track which patients had which vaccines and when, to correlate with and identify possible vaccine adverse events using AI and other tools.
26. Develop a database that tracks all medicine and illegal drugs violent criminals were taking, since some medicine is known to have side effects that include provoking violent tendencies.
Track medicine taken by all convicted criminals, for analysis and patterns.
Track medicine taken by mentally ill people.
27. Launch national surveys of children with autism, attention deficit disorder, and other related neurodamage to gather their vaccination status and medical history.
Ask parents to provide access to the patient’s medical records for study purposes to help identify predispositions that make children more vulnerable to vaccine injury.
28. Launch an ongoing national survey regarding the health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children and adults. Analyze the results using AI tools.
29. Analyze all of the cases filed in federal vaccine court to find any commonalities and/or predispositions or other trends among the injured patients.
Formulate ideas for necessary studies or actions based on the results.
30. Reform Freedom of Information (FOI) Act procedures so that agency information is posted publicly in real time and FOI requests are rarely needed. This will reduce the intentional backlog, and save both sides time and money.
31. Mandate that federal agencies comply with Freedom of Information (FOI) Act law, including meeting statutory deadlines.
32. Punish FOI violators with job loss, fines, and jail time.
Require violators to pay costs out of their own pockets.
Punish those who attempt to circumvent the law by using aliases, text messages, and personal accounts and servers.
Reimburse FOI requesters who were improperly denied records, or who suffered unlawful delays.
33. Redefine the rules dictating what information can be released regarding studies that receive federal funding.
All such studies should be transparent and subject to Freedom of Information (FOI) law, even if the money is funnelled to a private academic institution or hospital. But better yet, FOI’s should be rarely needed because the information should be publicly posted in real time.
Names and activities of peer reviewers and all study communications should also be public.
34. Revise the definition of “vaccines” back to its former definition before somebody changed it on CDC’s website in 2021.
Investigate to find who changed the definition, why, and how.
Reconsider approval of any “vaccine” that fails to prevent infection.
Reconsider approval of any “vaccine” that fails to prevent transmission.
Reconsider approval of any “vaccine” that fails to prevent illness.
35. Launch a safety study of the childhood vaccine schedule in the aggregate, as recommended for children.
36. While the vaccine schedule is being studied, including the interaction between multiple vaccines, issue interim guidance and recommendations for people who want to take the safest known approach for themselves and their children.
37. Set up a process to identify, warn, and investigate “hot lots” of vaccines.
38. Replace the federal vaccine advisers who signed onto false information about Covid vaccine studies (as exposed by Congressman Thomas Massie in 2021).
39. Fire all of the public health officials and staffers who took part in the intentional misrepresentations.
40. Consider referrals for prosecution for intentional misrepresentations.
41. Reform federal vaccine court.
Firewall the court from political and outside influences.
Replace the Special Masters with independent judges.
Integrate input from consumer and victims’ attorneys.
Require vaccine companies, rather than patients, to pay damages.
Allow the normal discovery process, so that company records on safety issues become public.
Extend the short statute of limitations.
Rework the injury table to cover injuries such as autism, that the government and court have long paid but tried to keep secret.
Allow previously denied patients to file short form petitions for reconsideration under the new system.
42. Investigate the coverup that involved secretly settling the Hannah Polling autism case and having it sealed so that other parents wouldn’t know about it.
43 .Investigate the Department of Justice (DOJ) misrepresentation and coverup of the testimony of the DOJ’s expert court witness, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, who concluded vaccines can cause autism after all. Refer for prosecution as necessary.
44. Investigate the claims of senior CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson who testified that he and his colleagues at CDC, including a top vaccine official, “trashed” data and covered up a strong tie between MMR vaccine and autism in black boys.
Refer for prosecution as necessary.
45. Correct the government information online and elsewhere that falsely states or implies that mercury (thimerosal) was removed from vaccines in 2001.
Make the factually accurate information easy to find.
46. Eliminate most prescription drug advertising.
47. Prior to the elimination, punish violations of drug advertising with harsher and quicker penalties, including bans for repeat offenders, and possible jail time.
48. Fix the loophole whereby vaccine makers and other pharmaceutical companies can advertise their products without disclosing any risks at all.
As part of that, halt the Covid and flu shot vaccines ads that promote the medicine while failing to disclose risks.
49. Enact President Trump’s Most Favored Nation executive order from his first term that prohibits drugmakers from charging Americans more for any medicine than they charge in any foreign countries.
50. Reform and open up the negotiations of drug and device prices for Medicare and Medicaid.
Make the biannual meetings open to the public and press rather than secret. Give consumer groups representing the general public a seat at the table.
51. Require warnings on food containing preservatives, pesticides, artificial dyes, and other chemicals associated with health risks.
52. Incentivize corporations to replace the problematic ingredients with more healthful options.
This includes incentives for milk, meat, and produce to be made without Genetically Modified Organisms, added hormones, pesticides, and other chemicals.
When there’s any doubt, policies should err on the side of safety.
53. Aggressively examine food safety issues, from the impact of processed foods to sugar.
Firewall the process from commercial interests.
54. Identify associations between food and various disorders, including cancer, anxiety, and hormone disruption.
Utilize AI to analyze current studies.
Launch new, independent studies as needed.
55. Limit or eliminate government subsidies of abundant and/or unhealthful food.
Switch subsidies to prioritize healthy food, such as asparagus, broccoli, and organic crops.
56. Incentivize neighborhood and community gardens and farms.
57. Reform the food stamp program so that recipients receive affordable, healthy food.
Provide simple education on what makes food healthful, and how to prepare it.
58. Revamp the school lunch program to emphasize and incentivize locally grown, fresh food and recipes, plus education and fresh preparation.
59. Evaluate government relationships with nonprofits and other third parties affiliated with the pharmaceutical industry.
60. Require members of health advisory boards to be independent without financial relationships, current or past, direct or indirect, with drugmakers or related commercial entities.
61. Adopt a code of ethics that requires medical experts, nonprofits, and institutions affiliated with pharmaceutical companies or other industry interests, whether directly or indirectly, to prominently disclose the conflicts of interest and amount of money involved.
This would include, for example, WebMD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Paul Offit, the American Cancer Society, Mayo Clinic, the American Heart Association, Johns Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety, Vaccinate Your Family, Medscape, the American Diabetes Association, dieticians groups, the American Medical Association, medical journals, and colleges and universities.
62. Eliminate the recent loosening of “informed consent” rules that now allows researchers to experiment on people without telling them the risks, or even without telling them at all.
63. Strengthen informed consent requirements for prescription drugs, vaccines, and other medical treatments.
64. Re-empower FDA scientists who are in the drug approval chain.
Allow them to speak at public meetings about medicine approval or safety.
65. Encourage firewalls between pharmaceutical and other health care industry companies… and medical schools, medical associations, continuing medical education classes, medical boards that receive any federal tax benefits, nonprofit designation, or public money.
This would mean no Merck Manual used as a reference in most medical schools.
66. Re-empower the federal office that polices study ethics, the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), which was neutered in the past decade.
67. Law and federal rules should dictate that US government cannot be involved in censorship activities, either directly or indirectly.
68. Create an initiative that encourages the practice of medicine that is integrated rather than “siloed,” meaning the current system of specialities that only know about one aspect of the body or a disorder and prioritizes pharmaceuticals over all else.
Incentivize an approach that considers the whole body system, and causes.
69. Disallow federal reserachers from profiting from inventions they make while they are paid public salaries.
70. Establish strict conflict of interest prohibitions for federal employees and officials.
Have teeth in the punishment.
71. Subject the public health agencies to zero based budgeting, initially and periodically, meaning they must justify every program and penny from scratch, rather than expecting increases or maintenance budget each year.
72. End “silly season” practices where there’s a rush to spend unspent taxpayer money at the end of the fiscal year, including junkets and trips to foreign countries for federal employees.
73. End the practice of retaliating against workers by paying them six figures but isolating them and giving them no work to do.
74. Create a resource for employees to report waste, fraud, and abuse.
75. Reward whistleblowers. Allow them to recoup a percentage of money saved.
76. Prosecute scientific fraud as well as attempts to mislead.
77. Examine all federal partnerships and funding recipients, both foreign and domestic.
78. Redirect funds and alter relationships as necessary for safety and to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse.
79. Install rigorous performance evaluation process that examines tax dollars spent.
80. Aggressively target waste, fraud, and abuse within the agencies.
Cut budgets accordingly.
Eliminate off-target expenses such as lavish television studios, propaganda production, outside public relations firms, extensive private artwork for federal buildings, travel junkets, and massive press teams that deflect press questions.
81. Ban the current practice of prohibiting pharmacists from offering to tell patients about less expensive options.
Incentivize pharmacies to provide patients with options for lowest cost medicine.
82. Rework the government health websites so that safety information is easy to find with basic searches.
83. Create a new, special designation for corporations that produce medicine or medical devices.
If they do any business with the government, such as Medicare and Medicaid, they have a primary duty to public safety in all instances, above the fiduciary duty to company and shareholders.
Establish strict punishment for violations.
84. Independently evaluate various controversies including: Lyme disease, 5G, and EMF radiation.
85. Initiate a real “lessons learned” lookback at the mishandling of Covid.
An independent board should be named, made up of observers who proved correct on Covid matters.
They should have a short timeline to come up with actionable recommendations.
Changes should be made without additional budget requirements.
86. Ban problematic formualtions of gadolinium (“contrast” or “dye”) as other countries have done. In the meantime, require more explicit and mandatory warnings for people getting MRIs with contrast.
87. Mental illness, such as gender dysphoria, should be investigated to identify causes rather than validated or encouraged.
88. Strictly monitor military veterans for mental and physical disorders.
Report and study trends.
Provide treatment, including after a vet ends up in prison for committing crimes.
Provide injured veterans with good housing, for free for life.
89. Study the nexus between what we think of as mental illness and possible environmental or physical connections, such as environmental exposures (toxins in food, water, medicine) that cause brain disruption.
90. Ban the practice of flushing of prescription drugs down the toilet to dispose of them at nursing homes.
91. Require public water supplies to use filtration to remove chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
92. Study nonradiation alternatives to mammograms, such as thermography. Require physicians to present true risks and limits of mammograms, including that the radiation and breast trauma can cause cancer.
93. Ban puberty blockers and surgery as treatments for gender dysphoria in children.
94. Identify the many exposures that may contribute to gender dysphoria, such as atrazine, a chemical commonly used on crops and found in much drinking water; or the drug risperdal, which can cause gynecomastia (growth of female breasts) in boys.
95. Enforce federal drug laws in all states.
96. Examine the relationship between mental illness, marijuana, opioids and other drugs… and homelessness, crime, and mental illness.
97. Investigate the potential health risks of ingredients in commercial baby formula.
98. Move ahead with action in response to court cases regarding the safety concerns about fluoride in drinking water.
Require explicit fluoride safety warnings on toothpaste and other products containing fluoride.
99. Eliminate all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives from public health.
Redirect the efforts and money, or return the savings to taxpayers.
100. Incentivize limiting use of cell phones, computers, and social media by children.
Order Sharyl Attkisson’s New Bestseller!
Kant even think uv how 2 ad 2 yor komprehensiv, thotful list. I am in aw
Establish high standards for production of raw milk as outlined by the Raw Milk Insitute. Allow people the freedom to purchase and drink raw milk. Provide accurate science information about the health benefits and safety of carefully produced raw milk.
References: https://www.rawmilkinstitute.org/
Securing fresh food from fertile soil, challenges to the organic and raw milk movements
What a great list, thank you.
101. Mine the decades of Medicare data for the efficacy poly-pharmacy treatment (7-9 drugs on average) to tweak surrogate testing metrics in seniors.
102: Stop changing the testing metrics to make more seniors fall into a necessary treatment category requiring more Rx drugs. Eg: numbers that test for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar
103. Mine the decades of Medicare data to search for any connections between long-term “preventive” polypharmacy prescriptions for seniors and their growing number of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Decades ago, seniors were told their normal blood pressure numbers went up 10 points for every decade over age 50. Now they are forcing all seniors to use drugs to achieve the the blood pressure numbers found in teenagers. Where is the science, or even the monitoring for this abrupt change of “normal”.
Where is the science for any health recommendations for long term drugs in anyone over age 65, when they are specifically excluded from studies due to age and too many confounding co-factors. Yet the numbers of daily “maintenance” drugs for decades long use grows draining out Medicare dollars.
Are we really getting sicker in America? Or did Big Pharm simply change the goal posts to include lower surrogate metrics, that now trigger a need to take their drugs for life.
Not that long ago 160/90 was NORMAL blood pressure for an elderly patient. And remained so in Europe until very recently. Now they want to drug you down to 120/80, or else the doctor is put on report for not controlling the BP of their patients.
Meanwhile more seniors stumble around as drug zombies, just to satisfy an arbitrary metric established with great help from Big Pharm itself. Then they claim “falls” are the biggest problem for seniors and tell you to remove all your rugs. How about removing most of these untested and unproven zombie drugs that ruin your sense of balance and create muscle cramps and fatigue at the lightest amount of exercise?
Currently there are no follow-up on long term studies on the negative consequences of heavily drugging seniors for life, and additionally with totally untested combinations of Rx drugs, up to 7-9 RX drugs per senior.
I sure you have gotten literally thousands of suggestions for “”priorities” that you didn’t include…so I’ll add just one more related to a number of your themes…many states now hold disciplinary actions over the heads of licensed medical professionals for “misinformation” with NO definition of what it is [think alternative advice on Covid and “vaccines”]. Most, if not all, medical professionals are practicing fear of license loss and, therefore, are reluctant to offer advice beyond the official orthodoxy. Since most, if not all, medical providers accept Medicare/Medicaid these state-level threats need to be neutralized with language that forbids honest alternatives that medical professionals would offer their patients albeit not the government version.