Did Covid vaccines cost more lives than they saved?

The following information is from Children’s Health Defense.

During an interview on Steven Bartlett’s podcast, Diary of a CEO,” Dr. Aseem Malhotra was asked if there would have been fewer deaths overall without the COVID-19 vaccines. He gave a stark and simple reply: Yes.” The fact-checking organization Full Fact published a verdict on Malhotra’s answer, labeling it “False” and asserting, “There is clear evidence that the vaccines saved far more lives than they cost.”

Fact-checkers and mainstream health officials frequently claim that COVID-19 vaccines saved far more lives than they cost. However, these claims lack support from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the gold standard in evidence-based medicine for evaluating interventions’ overall impact. For COVID-19 vaccines, no such trials have demonstrated an all-cause mortality benefit — a critical measure of whether vaccines reduce deaths from all causes rather than specific conditions. Instead, observational studies, which are prone to errors and biases, have been used to justify these claims. Such biases include:

  • Selection distortion: Healthy individuals are more likely to be vaccinated, skewing results.
  • Temporal misclassification: Vaccinated individuals classified as unvaccinated during early post-vaccination periods may mask potential harms.
  • Reporting bias: Adverse events are often underreported due to professional pressures or dismissal of vaccine-related causes.

A reanalysis of clinical trial data revealed that serious adverse events occurred at a rate of 1 in 800 — far higher than the typically accepted rate of 1-2 per million for other vaccines. These events included deaths, hospitalizations, and long-term disabilities.

If COVID-19 vaccines had a clear net benefit, highly vaccinated nations should have seen declining excess mortality post-2020. Instead, mortality data reveals increased excess deaths in 2021 and beyond, prompting questions about the long-term safety of these interventions.

Moreover, since 2022, an overall mortality benefit from COVID-19 vaccines has become less likely. Variants have become less deadly, a majority of the population has been infected, and vaccine efficacy has significantly decreased. At the same time, the serious harms caused by the vaccines, including adverse events, likely remain constant, raising questions about the ongoing push for mass vaccination.

“Nearly all nations with high mRNA vaccine uptake experienced higher excess mortality in 2021 than in 2020, contrary to the typical pattern following a pandemic,” experts noted.

The authors of The Hope Accord, signed by tens of thousands, argue for the suspension of COVID-19 vaccines until comprehensive safety data is available. They warn that decisions based on incomplete or biased data put public trust and safety at risk.

For more details, read the full article here.

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3 thoughts on “Did Covid vaccines cost more lives than they saved?”

  1. Of course. For years the VAERS was used to keep track of the vaccine injuries and was accepted by the medical community as a warning system. It got so bad with the COVID vaccine injuries; they got embarrassed and instead of halting the vaccine program at least on a temporary basis as was done with the 1976 swine flu vaccination program. Instead they stopped the VAERS reports.

  2. The question: ‘Did The Experimental Drug (scam) kill more people than save the lives of misinformed people?- still needs to be properly addressed. “Disease-Capitalism” is destroying healthy lives via the cultivation of chronic illnesses. Also–the fact that children and teens have now become victims with a (shortened) lifetime of heart issues (myocarditis) seriously needs to be considered. Making a ‘killing’ [$] should never drive a healthcare system (and yet, profit-driven motives absolutely shape the medical establishment’s policies.)

  3. The only fact is hospitals made more money, a lot more money, labeling any death a “covid death”.

    Which means now we will never know the truth about “covid”, other than the world was ready for mass hysteria all at the same time.

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