The following is a promotional post.
Exciting News! It’s not too late! Snag another copy of my 5-star bestseller “Follow the Science” while it’s 1/2 price at Amazon…and I’ll send you a free, personalized bookplate (sticker) *and* a free mug from The Sharyl Attkisson Store.
Details below:
1. Email your book receipt dated Dec. 12-Dec. 25 to [email protected]
Subject line: “Follow the Science”
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3. Include the snail mail address where you want it to be sent.
You will get the sticker and a free Think for Yourself mug! ($18 value + free shipping!)
Proceeds support the ION Awards, the Brechner Center for Freedom of Info, Project Censored, and other independent reporting causes.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Great Gift IdeaÂ
This is a great time to think about shopping for those hard-to-buy folks on your holiday shopping list. They’ll love the book and mug. Or keep the mug for yourself!
Book Info:
We exist largely in an artificial reality brought to you by the makers of the latest pill or injection. It’s a reality where invisible forces work daily to hype fears about certain illnesses, and exaggerate the sup- posed benefits of treatments and cures. On the other hand, these forces have financial reasons to minimize or deny spikes in other types of illnesses that they make money treating, so that we don’t seriously explore root causes. In those cases, they argue the surge is just the result of greater awareness and better diagnosis, or maybe the invention of overactive imaginations.
The hard truth is that every emerging disorder we suffer opens up new opportunities for pharmaceutical companies to earn millions or billions. Drug companies and their government partners fund the majority of scientific studies with the goal of promoting a product. Studies that could stand to truly solve our most consequential health problems aren’t done if they don’t ultimately advance a profitable pill or injection.
The government subsidizes food that’s bad for us; allows known neurotoxins, cancer-causing chemicals, and hormone disruptors to be in the food we feed our children every day and the water we drink; and restricts practices that could make us healthier. It incentivizes the practice of medicine in a way that reduces us to a series of target numbers to be achieved through expensive pharmaceuticals and treat- ments, and punishes doctors who color outside the lines and practice independent patient care. Why?
Misinformation issued on a grand scale saturates the information landscape and becomes impossible to avoid. The government, federal agencies, doctors, medical associations, and cleverly disguised non- profits backed by industry push this misinformation on the public with impunity. Medical professionals and scientists who question the dogma and offer independent research or individualized treatment to patients are held up to ridicule, punished, even yanked before medical boards to have their licenses pulled.
Even most of your doctors don’t know that the medical journals they rely upon are filled with unreliable studies hopelessly tainted by drug industry interests—and that’s according to some of the journal editors themselves! Studies are ghostwritten by drug companies, then held out as independent. Researchers, under pressure to publish, can buy studies with fake data on the Internet and put their names on them.
Part of the reason your doctors don’t dig deeper lies in the fact that medical school curriculae and professional Continuing Medical Education classes are designed by the pharmaceutical industry too. The media make an incredible fortune selling drug ads, so their news and information arms look the other way on matters of drug safety, or even aid and abet the misinformation. Politicians gobble up contribu- tions from the pharmaceutical industry and staff their congressional offices with drug industry personnel who make sure pesky oversight hearings on all these topics are never held. It’s a scandal of mega proportions—but who is left to expose it and correct it?
In this artificial reality, success isn’t measured by the good health of the population. Quite the opposite. It’s measured by how many peo- ple are taking expensive drugs or getting vaccinated. It’s not about preventing illnesses; it’s about treating them indefinitely.
From: Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails
Order Sharyl Attkisson’s New Bestseller!
Hi Sharyl – thanks so much for being a true reporter of information! Also want to thank you for the bookplate and mug offer! FYI on Substack the email link provided for the offer goes to Amazon only. Happy Holidays to you and yours!