(POLL) Vast majority against gender and sexual teachings in schools

The overwhelming majority of respondents say alternative gender and sexual teachings do not belong in schools under any circumstances.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

Eighty-eight percent (88%) of respondents say such teachings should never occur in schools.

Nearly nine percent (9%) say these lessons are acceptable only with parental permission.

A small fraction—just over two percent (2%)—believe teachings are appropriate only above the age of sixteen. An even smaller portion, less than one percent (<1%), say it’s fine above the ages of ten or thirteen.

These results suggest a clear stance from the respondents against alternative gender and sexual teachings in school environments.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

Poll Question: Alternative gender and sexual teachings in school are ok…

88% Never
9% Only with parental permission
2% Only above age 16
<1% Only above age 13
<1% Only above age 10

Follow The Science by Sharyl Attkisson

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2 thoughts on “(POLL) Vast majority against gender and sexual teachings in schools”

  1. Todd Michael Wiseman

    Yes indeed as normal people finally come to their senses , God only created man and woman, there is no third choice !! All these half breed freaks are are a perverted abomination,

    Merry Christmas to all normal people

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