95% say Trump did *not* lose ‘fair and square in 2020’

More than 95% say they think Trump did not lose fair and square in 2020.
That’s according to an unscientific X poll of more than 8,000 people.

Only about 5% of those who responded say they believe Trump lost fair and square.

In 2024, Trump made an historic comeback, winning the electoral vote, the battleground states, and the popular vote.

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4 thoughts on “95% say Trump did *not* lose ‘fair and square in 2020’”

  1. Can we all just cut to the chase now? Trump’s loss in 2020 is indicative of a corrupted DOJ, and the fact that the DC Treasury Control Hub runs “the show.” If any reasonably informed adult still considers the pablum that was broadcast by the Oligarch-Media-Syndicate as unvarnished accurate truth, then it’s time for those adult voters to unplug from the grid! If I might also suggest reviewing the basic narrative as presented in the movie, “The Matrix.” May we see a return to constitutional principles and common law as our founding fathers envisioned.

  2. A small sampling to be sure but anyone that denies the inconsistencies of 2020 is a just not facing facts. Molly Ball wrote in Time all the advantages the democrats took due to COVID. Molly Hemmingway wrote a best selling book “Rigged” and Miranda Devine laid out much of the Hunter laptop that evidenced Biden’s corruption that 51 lying former Intelligence individuals used a bogus “appearance of Russian disinformation” to cover for Biden. Is there a need to go into the biased lame stream media and their cover-up of the Biden’s, but the greatest one was their failure to report on Biden’s dementia which many saw before the election. The changes made to how voting was conducted, at times in violation of State’s Constitutions.
    With all of the evidence now being outted, but was available back in Aug-Oct 2020, anyone calling the 2020 presidential election a fair one is either a leftist ideologue or just plain idiot!

  3. That is PURE BS and a BIG FAT LIE. You will eat these words this year when it is PROVEN beyond any RESONABLE doubt that the 2020 ELECTIONS where STOLEN. Electoral Votes J Biden 128 and DJT 410, he won at least 48 States. WE the People, NO LONGER believe your LIES

  4. “2020 hindsight” says: the Dems stealing that election was the best thing to ever happen to us. A second Trump term in 2020 would have had far dimmer prospects than the term now in front of us. Trump’s had four years to learn lessons, learn who his real friends are, and prepare. He’s ready. I’m sure the Dems are bitterly regretting their decision to cheat now.

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