After Hours: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis (Podcast)

Clinical psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald is author of “United States of Fear: How America fell victim to a mass delusional psychosis.” 

Listen below:

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6 thoughts on “After Hours: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis (Podcast)”

  1. This is exactly what I observed during COVID. The fear was widespread and real for so many. As non jabbers, my husband and I helped others who wouldn’t leave home. I joked about the “stay home, stay safe” mantra and some were really disgusted with me. Our church closed and we left that church. The pastor just supported all the fear and thought he was great with his video sermons. We found a local church that opened. When my husband and I got “COVID”, both over 65, we used Ivermectin and the recommended protocol. It was a lousy flu. Yes, the world was duped!

  2. It would be nice to read a transcript of this podcast.
    Preferably a zoomable transcript to make it easy for old eyes.
    I prefer to read, especially when I cannot see the faces of the people speaking.

  3. Wow, great interview with Mark McDonald! Sadly it’s all spot on and true, especially the cell phones for kids. Getting rid of them for those under 18 is great advice.

  4. Now you’re speaking my language Ms Attkisson! Mattias Desmet (known for using the term, ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’) became a familiar voice during 2021. In my close-friend circles, the term PsyOp is referred to to with a regularity that was not the case in the years leading up to election 2016. Another term which gained trend-worthy appreciation is “gas-lighting”; and prior to Trump’s first term as POTUS I cannot recall hearing the term “gas-lighting” used so frequently–and especially in reference to the tactics of the Left and DNC loyalists in particular. What I consider to be a factual observation is that we are witnessing a form of “self-censorship” which has been encouraged by a new level of political-correctness that is mentally unhealthy. Our society has encouraged a younger generation to rely on Snopes and Wikipedia(and A.I fact checking algorithms) for fact-checking as we observe greater evidence for aliteracy and an inability to think critically. Now that A.I. is doing a human’s thinking for them–the human being no longer has to exercise the brain. Or we may consider that our normal range of critical thinking has been slowly decaying over the last two decades due to the emergence of A.I. reliance. The faux-cyber realm is afterall, a “virtual” reality–not Reality itself. However, if a video-gamer spends more time living in a Metaverse–then they have chosen an alternative cyber-reality and may even be in the process of adopting a virtual realm as more important than the natural world we are reliant upon for survival. Nature cannot be replicated via any binary code no matter what the Technocrats try to sell us.

  5. Wow! This is absolutely spot on!! Smart phones’ contribution Mass Formation Psycosis and to the degradation of American culture is undeniable. Just excellent work here, Sharyl. The whole country needs to hear this. You can bet I’ll be sharing this with whomever will listen. Thank you!

  6. There was an old Kathryn Hepburn/Cary Grant(?) movie where they kept talking about the world going “barking dog mad”. That is what “covid” was – the world went barking dog mad.

    Happened a lot in the 1950’s on college campuses – panty raids, stuffing phone booths, eating gold fish. Once some bad frozen orange drink (Gremlins) at a football game sent hundreds of kids to the college hospital. But the strange thing was many of them had not even gone to the football game or eaten the frozen orange drink that caused the initial bout of illness – did they get caught up in mass hysteria too.

    Those too were also very uncertain times, post WWII. Life has we had known it was very unstable.

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