(GALLUP) Hopes highest for Trump on immigration; lowest on unity

The following is from Gallup News.

A new Gallup poll, conducted from Dec. 2-18, 2024, highlights Americans’ mixed expectations for President-elect Donald Trump’s second term. The survey shows that 68% of respondents say they believe Trump will succeed in controlling illegal immigration, making it the area of highest confidence. Smaller majorities say they think he will achieve success in reducing unemployment (61%), keeping the country safe from terrorism (59%), improving the economy (56%), avoiding war (55%), cutting taxes (53%), and reducing crime (51%).

2024 Transition-Period Outlook for Second Trump Administration

Conversely, Americans are less confident about other goals. 68% say they doubt Trump will heal political divisions, while 62% say they do not believe he will improve healthcare or race relations. Similarly, 60% say they do not expect progress on environmental issues. Fewer than half, 42%, say they think he can reduce grocery prices, while 43% say they believe he will improve education—a 10-point decline from 2016. On reducing the federal budget deficit, 45% say they think Trump will succeed, tying his 2016 rating but surpassing six other presidents.

On two key goals—improving how the federal government works and increasing respect for the U.S. abroad—Americans are evenly split, with about half saying they think he will or will not succeed.

Public confidence in Trump’s ability to avoid war has increased significantly, with 55% saying they think he will keep the country out of major conflicts, a 17-point jump from 2016. Optimism about controlling illegal immigration has risen by nine points, and there has been an eight-point increase in confidence about reducing crime. However, confidence in his ability to improve healthcare and education has fallen by 12 and 10 points, respectively.

Gallup has measured Americans’ expectations for presidents during their transitions since Ronald Reagan in 1980. Trump earns the highest ratings for controlling illegal immigration and reducing crime compared to all previous presidents measured. In contrast:

  • 70% said they believed George H.W. Bush would avoid war in 1988.
  • 64% said they thought Bill Clinton in 1992 and Barack Obama in 2008 would improve healthcare.
  • 68% said they believed George W. Bush in 2005 would keep the country safe from terrorism after 9/11.

Partisanship plays a significant role in shaping expectations. Between 66% and 99% of Republicans say they believe Trump will achieve all 17 goals measured. Among Democrats, skepticism dominates, but 33% say they think Trump will succeed on some goals, particularly controlling illegal immigration. Independents’ views generally align with the national averages.

Gallup’s survey also shows 51% of Americans say they approve of Trump’s handling of the presidential transition, an increase from 46% in 2016. This reflects cautious optimism about some of his goals while maintaining doubts about others.

For more details read the full article here.

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3 thoughts on “(GALLUP) Hopes highest for Trump on immigration; lowest on unity”

  1. I agree that Trump wont hēl th divizionz. No1 kd. Th best thing we kan do iz kēp th dirti #Dumokraps outa powr 4evr. Let em chēt at elexionz, kunspīr, work agenst th konstitushn. Lets kēp em down so their lēdrz līk #Pelozer, #Cheneygang, ets r left frustrātd.

  2. If by Unity many DEMs would consider this term to equivalent “lockstep” mindless adherence to party. I would hope it is low because conservatives expect faithfulness to the Constitution as written (originalism), not a lockstep party.

  3. Trump will not accomplish everything he promised during the campaign; what person ever running for political office ever has? It is good to see the people realize fixing the 4 years of Biden and Congress’ mishandling of the nation will not be easy or happen immediately.
    Trump does have the opportunity to destroy what the far left democrat party has become but there will always be the Bernie Sanders. Liz Warrens, Pelosis Schumers, Omars, Talibs and AOC types hell bent on either power, willing to take the nation down a Socialist path providing they get weathy in doing so.
    Based on the false employment numbers that came out during the Biden administration, Trump will have a tough time reducing the unemployment figures unless he follows using Biden’s lying statistics, which we do not want to hear; transparency is vital.
    Trump will reduce illegal immigrations and begin deporting the criminal element. He will improve the economy and keep the nation out of never ending wars unless Xi decides China must rule the world.
    It will be an impossibility to prevent 100% terrorist attacks, another possibility that could lead to a US conflict in the Middle East.
    As for respect around the world, some of our enemies will fear us and that will lead to them respecting US. Some allies will see the US is back on the world stage after 4 years of feckle Biden, they may resent it but will bend the knee so to speak even as Trump demands UN. NATO and our Asia Pacific pay more for US Defense. Other allies will embrace the populist movement. Argentina is but one example and have a natural respect for Trump.
    DOGE and Russ Vought will cut the budget, possibly returning a surplus in a couple years to begin paying down the National Debt which will grow in the first couple of years. You cannot fix stupid spending overnight.
    Moving the US from 34th in Math back up to the mid teens will be tough but must be done if all other issues are to improve; economy, immigration, spending.

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