(POLL) 54% approve of Trump transition

The following is from Rasmussen Reports.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of likely US voters say they approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his presidential transition, as he prepares for his second term in the White House. This includes 35% who say they strongly approve. Meanwhile, 42% say they disapprove, including 32% who say they strongly disapprove.

The survey also finds that 45% of voters say they expect Trump’s second term as president to be better than his first, while 39% say they think it will be worse. Another 13% say they believe his second term will be about the same as his first.

The survey of 1,277 likely voters was conducted January 5-7, 2025, by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points, with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC.

To view survey question wording, click here.

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2 thoughts on “(POLL) 54% approve of Trump transition”

  1. We all know it’s gonna be way worse. He was in better mental health then. He’s border line losing his senses now and can’t stay awake when he attends things. He also has no tra8n of thought. There is something not right with him. He’ll be out in a few months when they find him incompetent.

  2. For the alleged 42% of those polled who don’t approve, or the 32% that strongly disapprove- I’d like to ask: Are you satisfied that your government, under Biden’s regime, sold the US out to the CCP? Are you satisfied to know that while Americans have lost their real estate to BlackRock in NC and now CA, We the People have witnessed egregious money-laundering shenanigans, i.e., approx. $200 Billion sent to Ukraine, and the paltry sum of $750 to those homeowners who were/are underwater in NC. To those 32%’ers who ‘strongly disapprove’ I would suggest that a review of American history is a good place to start in order to fully comprehend how the presidential administrations prior to the Trump presidency (2016-2020) were aligned with the Globalist-Technocrat (unconstitutional) agenda. Ms Attkisson, perhaps it’s time to let the cat outta the bag and broadcast the news re social-engineering, and how human beings are indoctrinated as a matter of historical record.

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