(POLL) 77% of Democrats say climate change caused LA wildfires

The following is from Rasmussen Reports.

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 53% of likely US voters say they think climate change likely caused the recent Los Angeles wildfires, with 28% saying it is “very likely.” However, 39% say they do not believe climate change caused the fires, including 21% who say it is “not at all likely.”

The poll also reveals a sharp divide along political lines. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Democrats say climate change is at least somewhat likely to blame, compared to 36% of Republicans and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

The survey further shows that 64% of voters overall consider climate change a serious problem, including 43% who think it is “very serious.” Among Democrats, 86% say climate change is at least a somewhat serious problem, as do 47% of Republicans and 60% of unaffiliated voters.

Interestingly, 66% of voters under 40 say climate change likely caused the wildfires, compared to 52% of voters aged 40-64 and 43% of those aged 65 and older.

The survey of 1,211 likely voters was conducted January 8-9 and 12, 2025, by Rasmussen Reports, with a margin of error of ±3 percentage points.

To view survey question wording click here.

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13 thoughts on “(POLL) 77% of Democrats say climate change caused LA wildfires”

  1. Sure , Lets ignore that southern Cali is actually a desert and has been subject to wildfires since time began. Then ignore decades of bad policy that promoting a build up of fuel for fires in the form of brush accumulation under the guise the same asinine claim of climate change, Then add the nuts jobs forcing insurance out by insane policies that think they can magically control actuarial tables on probability and cost to make politicians feel good then a big dash of DEI again making politicians feel good and we have a disaster of epic proportions, This is 100% man made

  2. The idea isn’t that global warming starts fires but that when a fire starts they burn more quickly and fiercely due to global warming.

    1. And yet the fires aren’t as frequent or as big as the fires a hundred years ago. Given that, logically one might conclude that if CO/2 levels are at all related then the higher levels today must be making it harder for forest fires to happen.

  3. The left wing computer models some years predicted we were going to have a new ice age. When that didn’t pan out they switched to global warming . When that useless computer model didn’t work out either they coined a new name climate change. to cover both scenarios. All this is about is a redistribution of wealth. It all started with Maurice Strong.

  4. What’s a “Democrat.?” …Truly? I am not embracing sarcasm when I pose this question. What is a “Democrat” in 2025? I would suggest that a Democrat is aligned with the WEF/CCP-One World Govt agenda, aka: nanny-state model. The SMART City agenda is remarkably aligned with specific areas in California that have coincidentally suffered from rare wildfires (during winter no less). Other oddities include houses burned to the ground, melted cars, and yet–trees which still stand. Whatever the poll has identified as a ‘Democrat’ opinion needs some serious sociological analysis. I’m actually most concerned that the person who is still an avowed member of a non-existent American political party may in fact suffer from brain-damage (and I’m not kidding.) What’s 5G doing to human brains?

  5. Fires burn California every year. Yet they fail to do forest management, fail to build reservoirs, fail to execute emergency management and cut both the city and state fire department budgets.

    Doing all this and then blaming climate change is laughable and pathetic.

  6. Sant’ Anna winds have been blowing every January forever. And fires are stoked from them. This is not a new phenomenon. What is relatively new–as in the last couple of decades–is the incredibly incompetent politicians and their minions who are hired based on “box checking,” and the accumulation of risk vis-à-vis dense developments of multimillion dollar homes built in an area subject to fire. Colorado suffers from drought, too, has vast lodge-pole pine forests that have been decimated by the virus carried by bark beetles over the last 30 years, yet CO has not had such conflagrations like the one in Pacific Palisades. Yes, plenty of fires and they have done great deal of damage, like one near Westminster a few years ago, but CA could learn from CO’s forest management which includes controlled burns, clearing brush, particularly after a spring of heavy rains and snow, and cutting firebreaks as have been done in Eagle County.

  7. I guess those polled aren’t smart thinkers. I just do not buy the climate change thing as the cause of what happened in California. The fact is uncontrolled dead brush, people jammed against each other, all for that ocean view, no good policy for fire lanes. Funds cut for fire fighting, yet enough money for the mayor to fly off to another country. Maybe stay put and do your job. These “hidden vacation jaunts” just steal from tax payers.
    It is so typical of brain dead politicians to close the barn door after the cows are out. I know of no visionary thinking politicians, either state or federal. Just flow with the stream, nothing more. You see your folly after the damage is done. Great Just Great!

  8. Global Warming didn’t do this. Foolish, irresponsible policy did this. And people voted for it. It is mind numbing to me that people seem to refuse to hold bad policy enacted by foolish politicians accountable for their actions, and then expect every one else to pay for their bailout. These people are childlike: Bereft reason, always a child; Always naive, forever vulnerable, always in danger.

    “As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her mire
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”
    Rudyard Kipling

  9. The Weather Channel spreads the propaganda as much as anyone. Climate Change propaganda sells to liberals and want to hear it just like the Russia collusion story.

  10. There is no such thing as humans having anything to do with climate change. If they are successful in reducing carbon dioxide to zero, that will be the end of humans on this planet. They will have killed the vegetation that supplies our oxygen. Doesn’t anyone remember basic biology?

  11. Pingback: The Fire This Time (3) | The Reformed Sojourner

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