(POLL) Most don’t expect a balanced budget in their lifetime

The following is from Rasmussen Reports.

A recent Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 67% of likely US voters say they believe balancing the federal budget would benefit the economy. Only 9% say it would harm the economy, while 12% say it would have no impact. Despite this, just 36% say they think a balanced budget will be achieved in their lifetime.

The survey highlights concern over the federal deficit, which reached $1.8 trillion in fiscal year 2024, pushing the national debt to $36 trillion. Voters overwhelmingly express preference for fiscal responsibility, but skepticism remains high about the feasibility of achieving it.

The survey was conducted among 1,095 likely US voters on December 27-28, 2024, with a margin of error of ±3%.

To view survey question wording click here.

Follow The Science by Sharyl Attkisson

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