Most respondents say they are carrying about the same amount of credit card debt as they did two years ago.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at
Thirty-nine percent (39%) say they are carrying the same amount of credit card debt as two years ago. Meanwhile, twenty-seven percent (27%) say they have “lots less” credit card debt compared to two years ago.
Nearly twenty percent (20%) of respondents report having “lots more” credit card debt, and nine percent (9%) say they have “a little more.” On the other end of the spectrum, six percent (6%) say they’re carrying “a little less” debt.
These results highlight varying financial experiences among respondents, with many managing to maintain or reduce their credit card debt, while others have seen an increase.
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
Poll Question: I’m carrying ____ credit card debt than 2 yrs ago
20% Lots more
9% A little more
39% Same
6% A little less
27% Lots less

Onli a fool wd trust th FBI aftr their rād o Mar a Lago, 2022, their trechri at th Capitol Oct 6, ets ets ets
I have the same credit card debt, which is zero dollars. I have four credit cards with a total credit limit of about 20k. I only use one for the cash back and pay it off every month. Because carrying a credit card balance at 30% APR is one of the stupidest financial decisions one can make. If you can’t afford to pay cash, you really can’t afford it with a credit card.
I never get polled so my data would not be included in this survey. I am carrying exactly the same amount of debt that I did 2 years ago, even 10 years ago, zero. Oh I use credit cards every week and have had thousands amounts due every month but pay them off so I carry no debt nor interest payments. I’m not wealthy, in fact less than $65K in annual income to include SS. I credit my father for wising me up to the use of credit and in particular credit cards. Hard to believe he was a lifelong democrat but back in his day democrats were the fiscally responsible ones.