Why fire the IG who identified so many billions in taxpayer waste in Afghanistan?

The following is a news analysis.

President Trump has fired 17 Inspectors General (IG): officials who conduct watchdog activities over their assigned federal agencies.

There’s no doubt the IG system needs an overhaul. Some of the IGs have proven very conflicted in their work and even, at times, corrupt themselves.

But I noticed the list of the fired IGs includes one of the most effective– disdained by The Establishment in both parties for his work: the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John Sopko.

Sopko upset the entities inside and outside of government making collective billions off of wasted US tax money spent in Afghanistan.

My TV program “Full Measure” extensively covered Sopko’s work regarding Ghost Soldiers, The Oasis, AWOL, Vacant Hotel, Afghan Waste & more.

I’ll have more with Sopko on an upcoming episode of “Full Measure.”

Here’s my first story on Sopko’s watchdogging of your tax dollars:


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10 thoughts on “Why fire the IG who identified so many billions in taxpayer waste in Afghanistan?”

  1. Worked for all Democrats over many years. President Obama appointed him. Sounds like he’s a SES member. All Obama appointees getting laid off. Since the leaker or leakers every time President Trump spoke in confidence was or were never discovered. This way firing all the Obama people he will know for sure he got the right person or persons.

    1. I believe your comment is spot on. There is nothing stopping President Trump to reconsider at some later time. You are right about President Trump’s first term. The resistance people seem to know about each move the President was going to make before he even knew it due to all the spying they did on him in the WH and at Trump Tower.

  2. Thanks so much for truthful and honest reporting. After 4 years of reading your reporting about the Biden administration, I was concerned that you wouldn’t be as critical of Trump as you were of Biden. It’s nice to be reminded that you’re for truth and facts, not spinning things to please a certain party.

  3. Maybe it is because he has too much integrity and wont help Trump hide all the wasteful spending he is planning as a thank you to the billionaire techies that attended his swearing in.

  4. I was wondering if it might be so as to not look biased? Fire all of them, not just some. I was wondering could a few be hired back if they were thought to be fair and unbiased, like a couple of them seem to be? It is what he should do in so many of the government departments. Fire them all, then let the good employees reapply.

  5. Why?
    The Pentagon has failed 6 of 7 most recent audits. That appears in the media every so often.

    I am not sure of the reasons for the rest, but they will be announced later.

  6. Same reason Trump refused to allow the Biden transition team to work with his team. As fast as they would do something it would be leaked to the left wing media and the ingrained bureaucracy; ready to block him on his first day in office. Instead they were fooled this time. They got a taste of shock and awe this time around.

  7. Trump should appoint Sopko to head up DOGE with Musk now that there is a vacancy after Ramaswamy left. Musk has the tenacity but Sopko knows how things work in Washington.

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