Stacey Myers

(READ) Supreme Court: some illegal aliens have no right to get out of custody on bond while awaiting deportation

Illegal aliens who illegally re-enter the US after being deported are not entitled to a bond hearing. That’s according to a Supreme Court ruling. The court’s ruling distinguishes between illegal aliens who have not been previously removed, and illegal aliens

(READ) Supreme Court: some illegal aliens have no right to get out of custody on bond while awaiting deportation Read More »

(READ) Supreme Court sides with cheerleader suspended for off-campus social media tirade

The Supreme Court has determined that a Pennsylvania public school board wrongly suspended a 14-year-old cheerleader for her off-campus social media post. The case involved a high school freshman’s “f-bomb”-laden snapchat post aimed at the school she attends. She was

(READ) Supreme Court sides with cheerleader suspended for off-campus social media tirade Read More »

(READ) Federal court blocks Biden policy discriminating against white farmers in Covid-19 relief

A Florida District Court recently issued a nationwide injunction blocking Biden Administration officials from distributing Covid-19 relief funds to farmers on racially discriminatory grounds. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 directs the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to

(READ) Federal court blocks Biden policy discriminating against white farmers in Covid-19 relief Read More »

(READ) Federal courts: colleges may have “anti-male bias” in sexual assault probes

In unrelated cases, two appeals courts have ruled in favor of male students accusing their universities of anti-male bias in sexual assault probes. The courts determined the students’ lawsuits against their respective colleges should be allowed to proceed. Lower courts

(READ) Federal courts: colleges may have “anti-male bias” in sexual assault probes Read More »

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