attkisson 4th amendment litigation fund

READ: Former NSA technician affidavit on govt. computer intrusions against Attkisson

There can be no reasonable question that an [Advanced Persistent Threat]-style cyber-attack was carried on Attkisson’s computer systems and Internet connection. Specifically, the APT methods deployed against [Attkisson’s] computers and Internet connection…were sophisticated and of the type only available to […]

READ: Former NSA technician affidavit on govt. computer intrusions against Attkisson Read More »

Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for government computer intrusions: Petition for full panel hearing

I’m grateful to the privacy, civil rights and whistleblower advocates who are assisting this landmark case through the Attkisson 4th Amendment Litigation Fund. Since the Justice Department will not hold its own accountable for the forensically-proven government computer intrusions, the

Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for government computer intrusions: Petition for full panel hearing Read More »

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