(WATCH) Dyehard
We begin today with growing attention being paid to what’s in the food we eat. Artificial food dye may not be one of your biggest concerns—or any concern at all. But maybe it should be. California recently became the first […]
We begin today with growing attention being paid to what’s in the food we eat. Artificial food dye may not be one of your biggest concerns—or any concern at all. But maybe it should be. California recently became the first […]
The following is from Just the News. Non-citizens have been added to voter rolls in several states through motor vehicle departments (DMVs), even after stating they were not US citizens. These registrations occurred as part of the “motor voter” process, which allows
Foreigners registered to vote due to DMV ‘errors’ Read More »
The watchdog group Judicial Watch is bringing attention to a critical upcoming hearing by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The court will review a controversial Mississippi election law that permits absentee ballots to be counted up
The following is from Border Report. More than half of the foreign-born population in the United States lives in just four states — California, Texas, Florida and New York — and their numbers grew older and more educated over the
The Oakland Unified School District in California is being sued over an allegedly racist back-to-school event that was advertised as only available to “Black, Brown and API [Asian/Pacific Islander]” students. According to the lawsuit filed by the watchdog Judicial Watch,
Oakland Unified School District sued over racist, segregated ‘playdates’ Read More »
Parents don’t leave their rights at the door of the schoolhouse. That’s according to an overwhelming majority of California voters, most of whom also support laws requiring schools to notify parents if a student expresses gender confusion. That’s according to
(POLL) Californians strongly support parental rights Read More »
A California man posing as a doctor allegedly treated thousands of patients, including some who had cancer. Stephan Gevorkian, 44, of Studio City, faces five felony counts of practicing medicine without certification. The following is an excerpt from NBC News. Los
Phony doc accused of treating patients without license Read More »