IG unearths $47 billion in waste of our tax money; the Panama Canal factor; US boon in European energy

Americans spent more than 143 billion tax dollars to rebuild Afghanistan as the US war against Islamic extremist terrorists was waged for 20 years. A third of our money was lost to waste, fraud, or abuse. That’s according to Inspector […]

IG unearths $47 billion in waste of our tax money; the Panama Canal factor; US boon in European energy Read More »

(READ) IG report on continuing abuses by FBI in spying on US citizens

Our further audit work identified over 200 additional instances of Woods Procedures non- compliance—where Woods Files did not contain adequate supporting documentation for statements in the29 applications—although the FBI and NSD subsequently confirmed the existence of available support elsewhere. We

(READ) IG report on continuing abuses by FBI in spying on US citizens Read More »

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