New York times bestseller

Coming Sept. 3: ‘Follow the Science, How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails’

Ready for preorder today. Publication date: September 3. “With most of the mainstream news media swept up in apocalyptic religion or fully bought into the censorship industrial complex, independent journalists like Sharyl Attkisson become more essential every day. She tackles […]

Coming Sept. 3: ‘Follow the Science, How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails’ Read More »

Pre-order ‘Follow the $cience,’ a new, true-life thriller by Sharyl Attkisson

Preorder here. The respected independent journalist and New York Times bestselling author of Slanted, Stonewalled and The Smear exposes the corruption that has ruled the pharmaceutical industry for decades. Preorder Follow the $cience. Through blatant lies, deep cover-ups, and high-level collusion with government and media,

Pre-order ‘Follow the $cience,’ a new, true-life thriller by Sharyl Attkisson Read More »

The media operation against Snowden and the government computer intrusions

The following is the 20th in a series of excerpts from my New York Times bestseller “Stonewalled,” which recounts the government intrusions of my computers. More excerpts to follow. Links to previous excerpts are below. | THE TURNAROUNDNow mired in the bad press about Clapper, AP, FOX,

The media operation against Snowden and the government computer intrusions Read More »

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