rasmussen polls

(POLL) Voters still divided over whether J6 Capitol riot was an ‘insurrection’

Three years after supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol, voters are still divided over whether the so-called “J6” riot threatened the nation’s government. That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports. The survey found that 48% of […]

(POLL) Voters still divided over whether J6 Capitol riot was an ‘insurrection’ Read More »

(POLL) Election 2024: Most disapprove of removing Trump from ballots (but most Dems approve)

A majority (53%) disapprove of removing Donald Trump from the ballot, including 44% who “strongly disapprove.” That’s according to Rasmussen Reports. But when it comes to Democrats only, they overwhelmingly approve such efforts. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Democrats say they

(POLL) Election 2024: Most disapprove of removing Trump from ballots (but most Dems approve) Read More »

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