susan rice

(READ) Watchdog sues Obama Library for White House records about FBI & Democrats’ false 2016 Russia Collusion Narrative

Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Barack Obama Presidential Library for Obama White House records about the 2016 “Russia Collusion Hoax.” The records, which by law were not available under FOIA until five […]

(READ) Watchdog sues Obama Library for White House records about FBI & Democrats’ false 2016 Russia Collusion Narrative Read More »

White House Directed Incorrect Benghazi Narrative Newly-released emails: “Video” to blame, “not a broader failure or policy.”

Newly-released documents reveal direct White House involvement in steering the public narrative about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, toward that of a spontaneous protest that never happened. One of the operative documents, which the government had withheld

White House Directed Incorrect Benghazi Narrative Newly-released emails: “Video” to blame, “not a broader failure or policy.” Read More »

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