Gowdy: FBI has important evidence in Trump-Russia probe of investigators
Gowdy: FBI has important evidence in Trump-Russia probe of investigators Read More »
2008 December: President Obama nominates Hillary Clinton for secretary of state. 2009 Jan. 13: Reports say the clintonemail.com domain was established. Jan. 21: Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state. March 18: Clinton will later name this as the date
Hillary Clinton’s Email: the Definitive Timeline Read More »
Republicans say White House Impeded Probe The U.S. military response in Benghazi, Libya was perplexingly inadequate the night Americans were attacked by Islamic extremist terrorists, Sept. 11, 2012. That’s one overarching conclusion reached by two leading Republicans on the House
Hillary Clinton presented one set of Benghazi facts to her own family; another to the family of the victims and the American public. Within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea, that
Hillary Clinton’s public vs. private Benghazi facts Read More »
[quote]“At the end of the day, I am sorry that this has been confusing to people.”[/quote] That’s how Hillary Clinton summed up her email controversy in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on September 4. Indeed, those who haven’t closely
In a statement issued tonight, the chairman of the House Benghazi Committee, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., indicated Hillary Clinton has turned over her private email server and several thumb drives to the Justice Department. According to Gowdy, the items contain “emails
Gowdy: Clinton has turned over private email server Read More »
Today, the House Benghazi Committee released its subpoena of Hillary Clinton. In a statement, the Committee explained that it issued the subpoena in March but had not made it public. Why now? According to committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina:
Benghazi Committee: Hillary Clinton Made “False” Claim About Subpoena Read More »
The State Department has informed the House Committee on Benghazi that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to turn over all of her records related to Benghazi and Libya. That’s according to a statement today from Committee Chairman Trey
State Dept: Hillary Clinton Did Not Turn Over All Emails Read More »