(READ) Why Does the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Shi Zhengli Keep Changing Her COVID-19 Story?

The following is an excerpt from an article by Paul Thacker.

Colin Butler picks apart contradictory statements in the science media, and asks why science writers ignore China’s disinformation on virus research.

In the last six weeks, the official line from scientists and science writers on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic has fallen apart. Once dismissed as a “conspiracy theory,” the idea that the COVID-19 virus could have come from a lab in Wuhan is now openly discussed, and researchers and journalists are picking apart the heretofore leading hypothesis that the pandemic started from a natural spillover from bats.

One scientist who has dissected the narrative promoted by science publishers is Colin Butler, a physician, epidemiologist and Honorary Professor of public health at the Australian National University. In an editorial titled, “Plagues, Pandemics, Health Security, and the War on Nature,” Butler highlighted a series of errors and contradictory statements published by Nature, Science, and Scientific American.

“I was taught that, especially in science, you should be honest. And if you’re caught lying, you should be embarrassed,” Butler tells The DisInformation Chronicle. “But I’ve found so many inconsistencies in Chinese stuff, it’s like they don’t care if they’re caught lying.” Here is an edited and condensed version of our talk.

DICHRON: Tell me about your history with Peter Daszak, who runs EcoHealth Alliance. He’s been constantly in the media for funding and defending Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute for Virology. And Daszak orchestrated that February 2020 statement in The Lancet that called it a “conspiracy” to say the pandemic may have started in a Wuhan lab. [Note to readers: After this interview was complete, The Lancet COVID-19 Commission announced that Daszak was recused from Commission work on the origins of the pandemic.]

You were an editor with Daszak on a journal.

BUTLER: Back in the early 2000s, I was part of this group called the International Association for Ecology and Health, which published a journal called EcoHealth. They had conferences every two years where I would sometimes give talks. Around 2008 or 2009, Peter Daszak became the senior editor, and I was later invited as one of four co-editors. 

I thought, “Oh, this is terrific.” Daszak was well-known, and publishing prolifically, so it’d be good to be associated with him. But I later resigned around 2013. 

The world’s most cited paper on emerging diseases is by Kate Jones and was published in Nature. Daszak is the final, or senior author. It came out in 2008 and has been cited more than 6,000 times, last I checked. I read this paper and found lots of errors. I reckon most people who have cited it have never read it carefully. We all think in groups and herds, so if a paper is well known, then cite it.

I wrote an article in 2012 that spent some space analyzing flaws in this paper. I also edited a report for the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, known as the TDR, that looked at some of the problems in this paper. I sent both of these to Peter, and there was just zero response. So I was losing respect for him.  (Continued…)

Read the rest of the article here.

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1 thought on “(READ) Why Does the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Shi Zhengli Keep Changing Her COVID-19 Story?”

  1. Sharyl,

    Better put this on paper,
    as Beck recommends
    keeping paper books
    and paper records :

    — China and Vulture Capitalists —


    Chinese Tortoise Passes Russian Hare


    Threaten Western Hegemony

    The character, temperament, and intelligence of any homogeneous people are genetic-based and uniform, and mostly unaffected by influences outside natural evolution. You need only study China’s history to exactly predict her future; unlike the unpredictability of the Western mind with its inherent penchant to try this and that and radically alter its course—a mind at once trusting and fearful in its willingness to send advanced technology to an enemy. Yes, China is an enemy of the United States.

    The ancient and deep psychological character of China is feminine, collectivist, and inward-looking—until she wakes from her deep introversion. Communism suits her nature well (there is no word in Chinese dialects for “private.” The closest term for describing the idea means “loneliness”). Her experiment with capitalism is only means to an end: expansionism. Tibet is a “good” first step, then Hong Kong (which the West is handing to her), and then Taiwan and strategic interests across the Russian border.

    China is a stretching Titan, rubbing the scales of slumber from her eyes before swallowing her neighbors. Russia might stop China when she marches, if it can momentarily abandon its Balkanization to meet the challenge.

    Many pundits think that that’s an absurd evaluation, but when her massive war machine begins to march they’ll be apologizing for their naiveté.

    China only toys with the West’s cultural proclivities; she’s not adopting Western values or its economic freedoms—only temporarily using them as means to strengthen her military. China is a communist nation; it won’t abandon what suits its people’s character and leadership quite well.

    The domination of the emoting feminine mind over the rational masculine mind in the West explains why America’s leaders can’t see the coming end to the American Experiment—or China’s eventual, despotic influence on the world.

    I pray my conclusions are wrong.


    From my 1999 essay, “Why Wall Street Capitalists Hate Families and Nationhood” :

    “Why would ‘American’ businessmen care whether you and your family are safe from Chinese nuclear rockets? They don’t, which is why American merchants McDonnell Douglas, Hughes Electronics and Loral Space and Communications betrayed their nation for profit, as Lenin predicted: ‘ The capitalists of the whole world and their governments will close their eyes on the kinds of [grim and unscrupulous] activities I have described and will become blind as well as deaf-mutes. They will extend loans which will provide us with the equipment and technology we lack and will thus help rebuild our military industry, which we need to launch subsequent victorious attacks against our suppliers. In other words, the capitalist nations will always work to prepare their own suicide. ‘”

    Update to my above essay,
    RT-D of October 20, 2010,
    Page A6,

    Warning :

    China halts shipping
    key minerals to U.S.

    HONG KONG—China
    which has been blocking
    shipments of crucial minerals
    to Japan for the past month,
    now has halted shipments of
    some of those same materials
    to the United States and Eu-
    rope, The New York Times
    reported yesterday.
    China mines 95 percent of
    the world’s rare earth ele-
    ments, which have broad
    commercial and military ap-
    plications and are vital to the
    manufacture of diverse prod-
    ucts including large wind tur-
    bines and guided missles.



    – MFN Status For Communist China? –

    Nix MFN for China

    What does it profit a nation to gain all the world’s markets but lose its soul – its founding culture?

    Let’s not work to prepare our own suicide, as Lenin foretold the West would do in his 1921 prediction:

    “The capitalists of the whole world and their governments will close their
    eyes on the kinds of [grim and unscrupulous] activities I have described and will become blind as well as deaf-mutes. They will extend loans which will provide us with the equipment and technology we lack and will thus help rebuild our military industry, which we need to launch subsequent victorious attacks against our suppliers. In other words, the capitalist nations will always work to prepare their own suicide.”

    Lenin’s prediction nearly came true but for
    the Soviet Union’s own mismanagement of
    her internal affairs. The West won’t be as
    lucky dealing with the Chinese, who hold a
    5- or 7-point IQ advantage over white
    Anglo-Saxon males.

    The Chinese feign the injured and backward party—whenever gross disparities in trade and human rights are brought to the table, being extremely clever like a fox to keep their advantage by playing Western politicians (( and immoral/unpatriotic American capitalists who unscrupulously build-up Red China to fight the U.S. in a future war )) for the short-sighted fools that they are.

    But the Chinese mostly have willing accomplices in the West–those vulture capitalists, those traitors, especially Jew billionaires like Soros and Bronfman, whose greedy profit-taking help supply China with the technology and social infrastructure so necessary for communists to continue their long march toward world domination.

    It doesn’t help us to have Marxist/socialist/feminists running the White House and our federal agencies. HUD, DoD, the State Department, Pentagon and others are overrun with Marxist agents and sympathizers. And it doesn’t help us to have greed-smitten House and Senate members who are unresponsive to the wishes of the majority in this purported democracy, and who grovel at the feet of capitalists (and now foreign governments) helping to keep them in political office.

    What a tragic joke on every decent, law-abiding American citizen. This isn’t a democratic republic but an oligarchy of corrupt and powerful men.

    If the Founders were alive today to witness what these s o n s of i m m i g r a n t s have done to their nation, America would be a bloody battleground right now.

    Communism – Marxist/socialist/feminism – is not dead. It’s alive and well in the heart and mind of every left-winger in America. Deny MFN status for Communist China on the principle of honoring human rights alone, if not for the gross trade imbalance, then for the sake of America’s long-term future and her very soul.

    Think about what utter insanity it is to help construct the means for our own suicide. But short-term profit-taking and long-term investment in a foreign nation inimical to the values of our founding culture is such an attractive way to make a buck. Right?

    That’s what drives unethical American capitalists to risk putting their own nation in jeopardy–greedy profiteering and lack of any patriotic concern for the nation and culture that gave rise to their business interests.

    Thomas Jefferson said this about them: “Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.”

    What does it profit a nation to gain all the world’s markets but lose its soul–its founding culture?

    Nix MFN for China!



    – 2020 –

    Capitalist V U L T U R E S: How the transnational
    elites empowered China’s military at our expense :




    Why Wall Street Capitalists

    Hate Families



    – – –

    Wall Street, Adolph Hitler, Red China


    Republican Internationalists
    (a/k/a vulture capitalists)

    Republican internationalists have a vested interest in the destruction of the nuclear family and nationhood.

    Most corporate businessmen are not ethical people. Businessmen who are ethical reflect the good moral values of their neighbors, and they generally are found in small stores in small communities.

    President and Founder Thomas Jefferson said this about greedy businessmen: Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.

    Western merchants knowingly sold Hitler the means to wage war – and the chemical with which to gas millions – while contemporary “American” businessmen sell Red China the means to destroy our cities in a future confrontation.

    And if asked to explain their bottom-line self-interests, businessmen resort to their if-I-don’t-sell-it-to-them-somebody-else-will vulgarity, as if making the sale justifies the means and end.

    Do you really think Wall Street is a family-friendly financial center? No (and The Wall Street Journal is vulture capitalists’ champion rag. It stinks to high heaven of immoral compromise and anti-American duplicity).
    Most Wall Streeters are evil men and women who hide behind a clean but false veneer of business suits and Better Business Bureaus—which mostly protect unethical business practices not customers, and which veneer keeps you dumb and merchants rich.

    Free-trade Republicans mean just that—f r e e t r a d e!: no restrictions on the flow of people and goods, which kind of trade destroys family, community, and nation, to which argument a Republican internationalist might say, “But if I don’t destroy family, community and nation for profit, somebody else will.”

    America is becoming a free-trade brothel for anything-goes Global Commerce, which partly explains her moral and cultural decline (Marxist/socialist/feminist liberals play the other part).

    Why would a businessman want controls on culture-destroying immigration from the Third World? Every warm body sneaking across the border, and every legal immigrant, is a potential customer in retail stores. That’s why NAFTA was passed in the face of a coming, massive increase in crime and drugs—to infect Americans from and through Mexico, not to mention illegals (and drugs) smuggled on NAFTA trucks; and that’s why the tourist, airline, and communications industries don’t care who is legal and who is not. Citizenship and nationhood impede profits! The more influx of immigrants and “visitors” from outside the U.S. – the latter containing a large percentage of I’m-going-to-stay visa holders – the more air flights, hotel bookings et al., and long-distance telephone calls to overseas friends and relatives.

    Why would church and synagogue businessmen want controls on immigration? Catholic Charities and Jewish Family Services rake in millions each year by helping the State Department resettle diverse races in white communities across America, not to mention their recruiting members in the exchange. And religious organizations can gain by family breakups and cultural disruptions. During the every-one-can-get-rich Roaring Twenties churches and synagogues suffered poor attendance, but during the Great Depression membership shot up (during the Dark Ages, religionists ruled).

    Why would a businessman want controls on welfare? Every cent that you turn over for redistribution to welfare recipients is money you can’t save, but change jingling in capitalists’ pockets. Business owners don’t pay taxes but pass them on to customers. They’ll complain about high taxes stifling business, but they’d rather have confiscatory taxation for welfare recipients – to keep money out of savings and in circulation – than high saving rates among consumers.

    Why would a businessman want to reduce family breakups? Every family that falls apart is more money spent on lawyers, moving trucks, apartments, homes, household appliances, restaurants, hotel rooms and day care centers.

    Why would a businessman want a nation of stay-at-home moms who’ll prepare and serve meals at home, and instruct their children in moral virtue, rather than join the grubby workforce of fast-food addicts keeping all those artery-clogging outlets happy (now Third World nations suffer that anti-health, anti-family blight killing Americans)?

    Why would a businessman want controls on abortion? That industry puts billions of dollars in merchants’ pockets, which situation pits one kind of bad businessman against another: Killing wombed babies may make rich those merchants of death but the human slaughterhouses reduce population growth, which growth underpins capitalists’ economies—and which necessary underpinning explains Republican internationalists’ open-borders immigration policy in a nation of abortionists.

    Why would a businessman want controls on pornography? That industry puts billions of dollars in merchants’ pockets, helping to break up families and instruct each new generation on sex-gratification techniques for use outside the bonds of matrimony. Why commit to the rigors of family life when men and women can have sexual fun instead? And why uphold an institution that puts a drag on capitalists’ god:
    C o n s u m e r i s m ?

    Why would a businessman want controls on people-destroying gambling, tobacco and booze? Gambling is no less an evil than pornography, both of which are cancers on the nuclear family, community and nation. Tobacco pimps (businessmen) target children because they are easy prey and future addicts (customers). And now that nicotine pushers have been corralled because of all the sick and dying across America, booze companies have stepped up their drug-pushing ads everywhere—even though booze does far more harm to children, adults, community and nation than tobacco ever did!

    Why would a businessman even want nation-states to exist? Any block to the movement of people and goods impinges on trade and profit-taking. That’s why Sundays are no longer a day of rest.

    Why would “American” businessmen care whether you and your family are safe from Chinese nuclear rockets? They don’t, which is why American merchants McDonnell Douglas, Hughes Electronics and Loral Space and Communications betrayed their nation for profit, as Lenin predicted: “The capitalists of the whole world and their governments will close their eyes on the kinds of [grim and unscrupulous] activities I have described and will become blind as well as deaf-mutes. They will extend loans which will provide us with the equipment and technology we lack and will thus help rebuild our military industry, which we need to launch subsequent victorious attacks against our suppliers. In other words, the capitalist nations will always work to prepare their own suicide.”

    Why would our vulture-capitalist controlled House and Senate care about flag, family and nation when they draw their gains from traitorous capitalists working the halls to buy politicians’ influence?

    Profit is Republican internationalists’ god. Despise them. Hate them (read my essay, “The Internationalists”). Because while they gloat in their unbridled profit-taking, a tiny part of which they pass along to you to keep you distracted from what’s really at stake, your family and your nation – your lives and moral freedoms – are being traded away by them for mere profit; read my essay, “Capitalism and Marxism,” about how bad aspects of both destroy white Western civilization – the founding race and culture – in America.

    What does it profit a nation to gain all the world’s markets but lose its soul—its founding race and culture?


    The anthropological definition of the much-abused term, “nation,” is: “a people of common ancestry,” which definition fits the Founders’ America—now in steep moral, cultural, racial and financial decline [[ Note: While all extant – published – economic indicators are up, with Internet dot-com “businesses” marching stocks towards never-before-seen highs, the REALITY – the behind-the-scenes reality – is terrifying! ]].


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