New Poll: Seismic shift toward Republicans among Hispanic voters

A new poll of 1,200 Hispanic registered voters shows a seismic shift toward Republicans. The poll was commissioned by Americano Media.

While Democrats lead the so-called “Congressional Generic Ballot” by 14 points (50% to 36%), that’s a huge narrowing of the 40 point lead Democrats had among Hispanic voters in the 2018 Midterms.

New Poll of Hispanic Registered Voters:

  • 2018 Midterms: 69% for Congressional Democrats, 29% for Congressional Republicans
  • 2020 Presidential race: 65% for Biden, 33% for Trump
  • 2022 Poll: 50% for Congressional Democrats, 36% for Congressional Republicans

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump among Hispanics in a hypothetical 2024 matchup 54% to 37%.  But Biden’s margin is half of his 2020 margin over Trump.

Among Republican-affiliated Hispanics, Trump is the top choice for president in 2024, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in second place, 18 percentage points behind (48% to 30%). Everyone else is in single digits.

In a Trump-DeSantis race, Trump beats DeSantis 51% to 40%.

Among Democrat-affiliated Hispanics, Biden is the top choice at 36% with Michelle Obama next in line at 14%, Pete Buttigieg at 10%, and bringing up the rear: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at 6% and Vice President Kamala Harris at 4%.

According to the poll, economic issues are the top concerns among Hispanics, and inflation is causing them pain, but they still favor Democrats as best to handle most economic issues. However, they trust Republicans more on reducing crime (41% to 35%), and getting inflation under control (39% to 36%).

Read the entire poll at the link below.

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