(POLL) Most expect to get all of their Social Security benefits

Confidence that Social Security will pay out its promised benefits remains high, and voters trust Republicans slightly more than Democrats to deal with the issue.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The national survey found that 59% of likely voters said they are confident that the Social Security system will pay them all promised retirement benefits during their lifetime, including 24% who said they are “very confident.”

Thirty-seven percent (37%) said they lack that confidence, with 16% who said they are “not at all confident” they will receive their full payout.

Confidence in Social Security is nearly unchanged since last November, when 60% said they were confident the system would pay them all promised benefits, which was the highest since Rasmussen Reports began asking this question in 2011

To see survey question wording, click here.

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2 thoughts on “(POLL) Most expect to get all of their Social Security benefits”

  1. Todd Michael Wiseman

    Horsefeathers !! It all runs out dry as a bone in 2027, why you ask ? Because over the past 2 yrs, 23,000,000 million illegal aliens are here ILLEGALLY, they are not migrant farm workers, they know yankeeville is ripe and vulnerable for shock revolution, easily armed , 23 million vs. the u.s. domestic military is no match, watch the great 1984 movie RED DAWN.

  2. “(POLL) Most expect to get all of their Social Security benefits”

    Not to be a downer, but polls also show tha most people believe in ghosts.

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