New Hillary Clinton Emails Show Violation of Freedom of Information Law

The newly-released batch of Hillary Clinton emails provides further proof that Freedom of Information (FOI) law has been blatantly violated. The documents include material directly responsive to a FOI request I made back in 2012 after the Benghazi terrorist attacks on the U.S. compounds. However, the material was not produced at the time, as required by law. Once again, there appears to be nobody who holds government officials and agencies accountable for their routine violation of this law. So the infractions occur frequently and with impunity. If nobody polices our government officials and agencies–if they are above the law–then how does a lawful society function?

Click here to view the WSJ database of emails. One of the many emails that should have been provided under FOI in 2012, but was not, is to Clinton from Huma Abedin on Sept. 14, 2012. Others include Clinton communications on Benghazi with her chief aide Cheryl Mills.

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23 thoughts on “New Hillary Clinton Emails Show Violation of Freedom of Information Law”

  1. “If nobody polices our government officials and agencies–if they are above the law–then how does a lawful society function?”

    There’s a simple solution. Elect Republicans. Then the media will have a newfound respect for the rule of law and for holding our government officials accountable.

  2. Don’t say all government officials. The DoD bends over backwards to respond to FOIA requests. At the “worker bee” level, we get tasked, with very short timelines to provide all requested data–no if’s ands or buts about it.

    Only political appointees, (who really aren’t government employees) get to ignore or break the law with impunity. Government employees, including contractor support employees are held accountable and WILL face serious consequences for doing anything even close to what Clinton has done.

  3. How many FOI requests have been delayed or ignored by the Obama administration? Many people don’t know the Census Bureau has been under investigation for years for providing falsified employment data to the BLS just before the 2012 election, and they’ve been obstructing, ignoring FOI requests, claiming lost emails, not cooperating,…much like with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, Hillary’s fund-raising and all the other scandals.

    I suspect many books will be written on this subject after Obama leaves office.

  4. Nothing will change. Our Gov’t has become a crime organization worthy of being RICO’d.
    We have officials that are as evil as our foriegn enemies. They are bent on destroying the country and creating a American Authoritarian Regime that is untouchable.

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