Our latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com asked people who they trust most among a group of national figures and groups. President Trump came out on top far and away.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of respondents say they trust Trump more than the media, polls, Democrats, Congress and the Intel community.
Second place is “None of the Above.” The only other entity that registered statistically in the poll results was the Intel community, which received a little less than 1% of the vote.
Full results are below. Meantime, vote in our new poll right now on the home page at SharylAttkisson.com! Look for the black box on the sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site.
If I have to pick one I trust the most it’s:
<1% Media
<1% Polls
83% President Trump
<1% Democrats
<1% Congress
1% Intel community
15% None of the Above
Is it safe to assume that the people that are reading your website are already people who have more knowledge than the average ‘man on the street’ , therefore opinions lean more in support of the President. Or is there some other reason.
Enjoy your work, wish you had your own network.
hell these numbers are the best out there . but I cant share to face book or tweeter . and this should be out there .it is grate for trump . and this news site is believed by most
“None of the above” is the only sane answer. Anyone who trusts any of the others, including Trump, who is just another resident of “the swamp”, is absolutely deluded. Politicians lie and deceive for a living and Trump is no different.