(POLL) Trump more popular now than when banned from Twitter

Sixty-two percent (62%) say they believe former President Trump is more popular now than he was when Twitter banned him from its platform.

A total of 83% say he is as popular or more popular.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 989 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

When asked if Trump is more popular now than before he was banned from Twitter, 21% said his popularity is about the same, while 10% said he is less popular now.

Seven percent (7%) said they don’t know.

Twitter was one of Trump’s favorite ways to communicate to the masses until the Big Tech firm permanently suspended his account on Jan. 8th, 2020: two days after the post-election Capitol riots.

Twitter permanently suspended Trump’s account citing “the risk of further incitement of violence.”

President Trump now has his own popular social media platform TRUTH, which his media company Trump Media Group (TMG) built and is being managed by former Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

Question: Is Trump more popular now than when Twitter banned him?

62% Yes, more popular

10% No, less popular

21% No, about the same

7% I don’t know

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2 thoughts on “(POLL) Trump more popular now than when banned from Twitter”

  1. twitter helped President Trump to become even MORE popular! Thanks twitter!
    Folks are tired of Bidenomics & all the Idiocy. There was/is NO WAY biden won the
    2020 Election. Nobody has been prosecuted & Congress is STILL doing NOTHING…..as usual!

  2. Democrats love censoring, but aren’t smart enough to realize by banning Trump they made his appeal greater. Take something away, and there is a natural curiosity by most to investigate the “forbidden fruit”. We should thank Dems for that…so many woke up to see the propaganda lies and discovered Trump was for real…. finally a leader offering real policies for working Americans, not for corrupt politicians. The overload of hate rhetoric is all the socialists have to try to break Trump, but it backfired and ended up pushing reasonable people to the right. Crying wolf only works for so long…..many can now see the real wolf stole the crib. Because of that, Trump is gaining momentum like Secretariat at Belmont, and he’s not stopping either.

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