Statement from IRS whistleblower on Biden ‘intimidation’

The following is a statement from IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley through his legal team.

WASHINGTON — The following was issued today from the legal team of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley:

Biden family lawyers have resorted to intimidation before—reportedly threatening federal prosecutors with “career suicide” if they charged Hunter Biden—so this attempt to intimidate our client and the oversight authorities scrutinizing the politicization of that case is no surprise. IRS SSA Gary Shapley has scrupulously followed the rules and blew the whistle to Congress about the unequal application of tax laws pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §6103(f)(5) and 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(8)(C), a process facilitated lawfully by the authority of both Chairs of the tax committees, including Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR)—with whom we are still working cooperatively to arrange follow-up testimony to supplement for the Senate any topics not covered in the transcripts of questioning by Republican and Democrat staff already released by the House Ways and Means Committee.

SSA Shapley referred the October 6, 2022 leak for investigation to the inspectors general (IGs) of his own agency and DOJ. He volunteered to make the referral to his supervisors as is shown in the very same email that reports that U.S. Attorney David Weiss “was not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.” Ex. 10. 5/23/2023 testimony of Gary Shapley.  Falsely alleging that he was a leaker is just another baseless attack on him for blowing the whistle.

All the inuendo and bluster that Biden family lawyers can summon will not change the facts. Lawful whistleblowing is the opposite of illegal leaking, and these bogus accusations against SSA Shapley by lawyers for the Biden family echo threatening emails sent by IRS leadership after the case agent also blew the whistle to the IRS Commissioner about favoritism in this case—as well as the chilling report that Biden attorneys have also lobbied the Biden Justice Department directly to target our client with criminal inquiry in further retaliation for blowing the whistle. These threats and intimidation have already been referred earlier this week to the inspectors general for DOJ and the IRS, and to Congress for further investigation as potential obstruction of their lawful inquiries as well as retaliation against our client.

Mark D. Lytle                                                             Jason Foster and Tristan Leavitt
Nixon Peabody LLP                                                  Empower Oversight

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7 thoughts on “Statement from IRS whistleblower on Biden ‘intimidation’”

  1. This article and these types of cases ? I think as mankind gets smarter in the future of las in the 22 century we all will see a New kind of Demecratic Supreme Court system, where by we will have only 2 Supreme Court Attorneys = A Republican appointed judge and a Democrat judge each putting on paper there arguments for any giving legal case to the Supreme Court New system. Then Both listed arguments for law changes are listed side by side for review votes , and than decided and voted in law by We the people of the United States, in each States elections cycles ? No more Tainted Love laws Regrets and or leaks = Completely open and voted on by the people and for the people ? ( A autographed picture of Harry Truman smiling ear to ear with two raised eyebrows not included ?? )

  2. The good and bad:

    First the bad:

    “Biden family lawyers have resorted to intimidation before—reportedly threatening federal prosecutors with “career suicide” if they charged Hunter Biden—so this attempt to intimidate our client and the oversight authorities scrutinizing the politicization of that case is no surprise. IRS SSA Gary Shapley has scrupulously followed the rules and blew the whistle to Congress about the unequal application of tax laws pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §6103(f)(5) and 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(8)(C), a process facilitated lawfully by the authority of both Chairs of the tax committees, including Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR)—with whom we are still working cooperatively to arrange follow-up testimony to supplement for the Senate any topics not covered in the transcripts of questioning by Republican and Democrat staff already released by the House Ways and Means Committee.”

    That’s an awfully-long sentence. Could’a benefited from a rewrite.

    Now the good:

    “Lawful whistleblowing is the opposite of illegal leaking …”

    Nice to see that pointed out. It seems often these days the officials accusing others of breaking the law are severly mistaken about WHO’S breaking the law.

    1. If you are reporting on a crime, it is not and CANNOT ever be illegal nor unlawful!! By what sound reasoning and logic, do we say that it’s a crime to expose a crime?!?! So illegal leaking, is a complete oxymoron, and only morons buy the stupid arguments that are released about it!!
      If more people would bother themselves to read my papers exposing the crimes of the legal system, they would know how to just move on by it!!

  3. More thoughts here in legal law issues that should Deeply disturb the average person ? I herd when Joe Biden took office he wanted to better watch people’s Banking accounts activities of 500 dollars or more, so given that info How did George Santos and others like him secretly moving money and Don’t tell investments activity, and Rich milliionairs and Billionairs spend lavish money out of there accounts and nobody caught it till much later ? How do you square that ? They must have over seas shell game accounts to funnel money to people around the World in power ? The FBI cold cases X- Files from the Twilight Zones ???

  4. I only wish we could advance this information to a degree that prosecution would actually happen. The Biden crime syndicate needs to be stopped.

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