‘Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson’ is back for Season 9!

It’s happening, thanks to you! Season 9 of

@FullMeasureNews begins Sept. 10! We feed to 43 million ABC CBS NBC Fox affiliates each Sunday. Original reporting you won’t see anywhere else. TV station list: https://sharylattkisson.com/full_measure_station-list/… Or watch online at http://FullMeasure.news

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12 thoughts on “‘Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson’ is back for Season 9!”

  1. Larry Christiansen

    This is probably before your time at CBS but was there a nightclub or bar located at 2015 “M” NW across the street from 2020 “M” NE CBS DC studio called “Billy’s” that attracted DC underworld figures like Joe Nesline? The club was owned/managed by Billy Rice.
    I enjoy your informative journalism.

  2. I watched Sheryl Atkinson all the time but this last year I have thought her interviews were a little off. She has definitely given information out of content and not the whole story
    So disappointing ?

  3. I am your biggest fan. I have read many of your books and record and watch Full Measure religiously. I am very concerned about our next election. I am enclosing my suggestions. Is there any way to promote my recommendations? Thank you.

    We all want honest elections

    Our next Presidential election will be November 5, 2024. There have been many accusations of cheating in the last Presidential election. We all want to see an honest election free from fraud. Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution explains that the States have the primary authority over election administration including the times, places, and manner of holding elections. To minimize fraud, Palm Beach County implemented voting procedures which provide for flexibility and integrity. Early voting is available two weeks prior to the election at multiple, convenient locations. Weekend days are available to vote. An Early Voting Appointment System was implemented which enables voters to skip the lines by making an appointment at their convenience. If a registered voter cannot physically go to a voting location, he or she can request a mail-in ballot by phone. The ballot will be mailed to the person’s home with his/her name and a bar code. The letter will contain a ballot and a pre-paid return envelope. The voter fills out the ballot, signs his/her name and mails it in. Each step of the process will be logged into the website for the voter to verify. If every state in the country adopts these procedures, it will greatly improve the integrity of our voting system.

  4. I refuse to watch full measure due to the political bias aimed at the Democratic party, the guest are all GOP that dislikes any policies their party didnt suggest.

  5. Does Sharyl Attkisson accept the 2020 Presidential election as a legitimate, fair election?
    That Joe Biden was fairly elected by the the voters by over 7 million votes?. And does she acknowledge that January 6 was an insurrection to violently overturn the 2020 election?
    I’ve never heard any of these questions answered on Full Measure.
    I can only assume that she hasn’t answered these questions.
    So I also assume that she is a full supporter of Donald Trump and all his actions are legitimate and all the democrats are the enemy rather than the other political party.

  6. You had an episode on a school issue of open enrollment. As a present teacher in Texas. In my opinion, someone needs to address the issue of “high stakes” testing in high school. The students that test promoters claimed would help the at risk students for equality of education. However, the mandate that to graduate students must past 5 standardized tests has caused the very students it claims to protect are denied a graduation even though they have passed all the course work. Someone needs to investigate this huge money maker for test makers and their supporters. Then teachers can start teaching for life preparation rather than test prep.

  7. You had an episode on a school issue of open enrollment. As a present teacher in Texas. In my opinion, someone needs to address the issue of “high stakes” testing in high school. The students that test promoters claimed would help the at risk students for equality of education. However, the mandate that to graduate students must past 5 standardized tests has caused the very students it claims to protect are denied a graduation even though they have passed all the course work. Someone needs to investigate this huge money maker for test makers and their supporters. Then teachers can start teaching for life preparation rather than test prep.

  8. Another area you may want to consider about school reform. This is what I refer to as “academic segregation.” In Texas they have created magnet schools which socialize in particular areas- medical, law enforcement, collegiate preparation, dual language, all girls STEM schools. This leaves other schools without leadership by peers to encourage others to rise in academics. An “A” in standard school cannot come close to measuring up to the “A” student in the magnet schools. There is no true diversity in the classrooms in Texas. This is why I claim segregation. Students need positive peer role models.

  9. Another area you may want to consider about school reform. This is what I refer to as “academic segregation.” In Texas they have created magnet schools which socialize in particular areas- medical, law enforcement, collegiate preparation, dual language, all girls STEM schools. This leaves other schools without leadership by peers to encourage others to rise in academics. An “A” in standard school cannot come close to measuring up to the “A” student in the magnet schools. There is no true diversity in the classrooms in Texas. This is why I claim segregation. Students need positive peer role models.

  10. Marilynn Lieurance

    There is a Patriotic Story that Sharyl Attkisson should hear about. The American public hasn’t heard this, and it should be aired on or just before Memorial Day, so there’s still time to investigate the story is true. I don’t see where to contact here–please advise.

    It did not look as if my comment was posted, so this might be a duplicate.

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