Ninety-eight percent (98%) say gender is not a choice.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 839 people at
Two percent (2%) say gender is definitely a choice!
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
Is “gender” a “choice”?
2% Definitely yes!
98% Science says: No
<1% I’m not sure

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Are the best biologists of the world being quiet on this issue due to not wanting to be cancelled, or are they confused too, or do they think this is so stupid it’s not worth their effort? those who think this is an issue to be debated, need serious therapy, in my opinion-so where are all the psychologists?
“Gender” is behavior
while sexuality is
parked in the genes,
and not alterable.
Behavior is LEARNED.
Male vs. Female
Sexuality is not
learned, but the
behaviors tradi-
tionally expres-
sed by each may
be MIS-learned
in the family, and
via at-large society.
Yes, I agree. Since this seems to be a society issue today and not going away, maybe it’s the family structure and parenting we should be putting some effort in teaching and supporting. The old fashioned Home Economics taught (nutrition; child and infant behaviour, family finance etc.) in schools did this and I feel bringing this back into the classroom, maybe with a more current name, would benefit kids of all sexes. Common sense living skill courses should be a requirement-not even a choice! Remember when kids had to take an egg home and keep it from breaking for a month, while feeding, bathing and doing other everyday necessities? Think of the responsibility it taught on how precious a life is!
And we probably wouldn’t even be having a debate about it, if it weren’t for the transgender community wanting to conflate the two when it comes to activities divided by sex, like women’s sports and women’s bathrooms and trying to claim that active preferences defines one’s sex.
Michelle Myers and Jeff,
It gets much more complicated :
Forwarded Message :
Helena, would you
forego women’s
right to No-Fault
Divorce ?
70% of divorce in America is initiated
by ( hear-me-roar ) women, who ( mostly )
strip husbands of their house and wealth,
and impose – via Libertine / Sympathetic /
Anti-Male / Feminist judges – limited access
to their children (( loss of gender-affirming
father-figure in a boy’s life—yes, feminine/
masculine inculcations are part of identity
LEARNED within mother-father family forma-
tions )).
And 60% of men in Scotland is
unknowingly raising children not
their own (( wrap your mind around
that, regarding the very bad impact
of RADICAL I-can-SEX-just-like-a
man F E M I N I S M )) !
—-Divorce of married
—-couples with children
—-is the Root Cause of
—-Mentally Harmed
—-children; and of gender
confusion, resulting from
lack of two-parent – male/
female – households.
The “ACLU” had engineered
no-fault divorce :
which destroyed America’s Mental-Health
institutions, in the Fifties, by shutting them
down, all across the nation !, and on the
weak principle of EQUALITY under the law
—FORCE integrating them ( putting insane
people on the streets )—to be “FAIR” and
“Merciful” and
And the ACLU imposed PORN
on once-Christian America, now
E V E R Y W H E R E exposed to
children ( in school libraries, too,
no less of a HARM/problem ).
And the ACLU had removed
the physical and mental
standards/tests in 1958—to
eventuate lowered standards
to qualify as a fireman/
policeman/army-man/. . .
UNLESS she’s Buffy-The-
And the ACLU had . . .
What utter FOLLY,
as we suffer
that moronic mind’s/
organization’s bad
stupid—read my essays
driving Libertine Liberal
Leftism; and find/study
this book : “Leftism—From
de Sade and Marx to Hitler
and Marcuse,” by
Erik von Kuennelt-Leddihn
( 1974 ).
I think the nonsense will disappear when the funding that drives this agenda disappears as well.