(POLL) Mixed verdict on the ousting of House Speaker McCarthy

In a survey taken before California Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy was voted out as Speaker of the House, a plurality of voters didn’t think his ouster would make much difference.

That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.

The survey found that 24% of likely U.S. voters said removing McCarthy from his position as Speaker would be good for Congress, while 26% thought it would be bad for Congress.

Forty-one percent (41%), however, said it would not make much difference.

McCarthy was removed from the speakership on a 216-210 vote Tuesday, with eight Republicans voting against him; his replacement has not yet been chosen. 

Among Republican voters, 22% said ousting McCarthy would be good for Congress, while 37% said it would be bad.

Democrats were more inclined to say McCarthy’s ouster would be good (32%) than bad (18%).

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 48% said removing McCarthy as Speaker would make no difference, 24% said it would be bad and 17% thought it would be good.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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4 thoughts on “(POLL) Mixed verdict on the ousting of House Speaker McCarthy”

  1. Long term, I think it could result in keeping future speakers on their toes! I hope this will serve to unite republicans in the house, Lord knowes they haven’t been like minded before! Whats done is done so all we can do now is move foward.we’ll know if it was good or bad in a year or so.

    1. This only works if the base holds their feet to the fire in the primary. Otherwise this is an empty maneuver. If the voters don’t fight, why would their “representatives” bother to…

  2. The overwhelming odds are that McCarthy will be replaced by someone who does EXACTLY what McCarthy has been doing (perhaps with minor cosmetic differences), because just like the democrat party, republican party officials do what they want and only veiw republican voters as sheep to be swindled into voting republican, most often relying upon the fact that the democrat party is even more corrupt. If I had to bet, it would be that McCarthy will soon be “replaced” by McCarthy.

    For the same reason that people watch Fox “News” — because the other news networks are even stupider than Fox — people vote republican simply because the democrat party is slilghtly more corrupt than the republican party. It’s basically a choice of which organized crime syndicate is perceived as having the least destructive impact on the country.

    Trump is different, but he really has no more control over the majority of the corrupt republican party than he has control over the corrupt democrat party. Both parties hoped he would be gone after 2020. The fact that he decided not to go away is why he’s being persecuted (not prosecuted) in court.

    1. William Bayer,

      Getting at the ROOT Cause :

      In my 1999 essay, “Why Bother to Vote if . . . ?,”
      Thomas Jefferson is quoted :

      “ What the m a j o r i t y of Founders truly believed can be summed up not with Madison’s words but Thomas Jefferson’s: ‘The first principle of republicanism is, that the lex-majoris partis [the law of the majority] . . . is the first of all lessons in importance, yet the last which is thoroughly learnt. This law once disregarded, no other remains but that of force, which ends necessarily in military despotism.’ ”


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